View Full Version : Digital Camera

28th January 2004, 16:15
Hi Folks,

I was given a digital camera from my parents for my birthday, but me being me I would like it to have the 'zoom' function, which it doesn't. They said I could exchange it if I wanted to, so I'm off to Dixons tomorrow/Friday to get it exchanged. The camera was about £100, but I don't want to spend much more than £130, max £140, in essence an extra £30-£40.

Any tips on what to look out for would be a great help. It was from Dixons, I can't open up the box else I'll break the seal on the packaging and they won't refund it, so can't check it out properly.


28th January 2004, 16:26
Just get a Fuji in the price range they are all top rate. I have a S5000 which does more than an SLR, but the 204/205 models have X3 zoom, and do a great job. Don't be blinded by the numbers, 2.1M pixels easily allows a clear pic on A4.

Fuji also has an easy to use menu system, and a great auto focus, as well as you can do video on it. Think they make toast as well, but not sure about orgasms......but then I suppose being student you'll see things we can only imagine at our age :laugh

28th January 2004, 17:24
I got a Kodak DX6340 for Chrimbo. Might be a bit more than you want to spend but it has Optical and digital zoom up to 14x.

Try to get Optical zoom as this is proper zoom. Digital will only enlarge the picture not improve the focus on the subject

28th January 2004, 18:04
Mine has X22 and when I attach the telescope I can see for a few Billion light years, how far are you thinging SJ :laugh

Bonusprint do quality digi prints from only 15p each, cheaper and better than anyone else. Their software also corrects crap!

28th January 2004, 18:20
Cheers guys,

The camera is a Kodak CX4310, the picture quality is 3.2 Million but I can sacrifice some of that and still get just as good quality *visually* with zoom as well. Optical zoom it'll be then hopefully, as that sounds a lot clearer.

28th January 2004, 19:13
Digital zoom just enlarges the pic with software SJ, so make sure it's optical. Also try and get one with a 35mm thread adaptor on the front, this allows you to attach or 35mm lens, and filters (& telescopes). The Fuji S5000 has this, but not sure about lower models, but worth asking.

28th January 2004, 21:00
I too have a Fuji, albeit not a recent model, but I find the colour rendition superior to other makes.
Colour is quite often overlooked in the search for megapixels etc. and, of course, it can be compromised by your printer. If your camera has good quality colour to begin with, it makes it easier to correct when printing.
BTW, I used a five colour cartridge Epson printer, but found a three colour Epson (my Dad's) superior. The five colours were supposed to enhance flesh tones, but I found they just gave an overall pinkish cast to my prints.
Anyway, I like the Fuji range and use it with a three colour Epson and am happy with the results.... until I can afford a camera upgrade!


29th January 2004, 02:01
Fuji or Kodak then at the mo probably. I've been on the Dixons website but they won't have half as many on the site as in the store, so when the snow has gone tomorrow/friday i'll take a trip down there and see what they can offer me.

Thanks for all your replies. :)

31st January 2004, 19:31
OK, I've got the camera, but why are cases like £9.99 upwards! It's just a case! :yikes:

31st January 2004, 19:57
I got the cases free with the Fuji models.

Make sure you buy 2300 rechargeable NiMH batteries, nothing less.

31st January 2004, 22:08
I got the cases free with the Fuji models.

Make sure you buy 2300 rechargeable NiMH batteries, nothing less.
2300?? :yikes:

Should've bought a Kodak. Mine only takes 2 :geek

1st February 2004, 02:10
:laugh The humour never gets better in here then!

I did buy a Kodak, it was the least expensive one they did with an optical zoom (3.3). 2.0 Mega Pixels, 16mb memory, video. Only the batteries aren't lasting for long when the camera is switched on, and it turns itself off. The batteries were fully charged when i bought them, so I don't know what's happening. I'm not using it for long lengths of time so it isn't much of a problem. It's just annoying......

1st February 2004, 10:08
They are probably 1300 rated SJ, don't hold much power, you don't expect decent extras do you! You'll need a 128MB card as well to get the best out of it, use www.Dabs.com or www.Aria.com

You can get cheap batteries here;

These are what you need RB102746 AA NiMH 2300mAh Pack of 4

1st February 2004, 12:08
Using the screen will run the batteries down more quickly but that's the whole point of a digital camera aside from the clarity of image so it looks like you need the better batteries

1st February 2004, 19:06
Purchased. :D

1st February 2004, 21:09
Remember to use a charger, two paper clips in the mains can be a little dangerous!!

2nd February 2004, 00:09
Is there a special type of charger I need to buy? Or just a plain simple normal battery charger?

2nd February 2004, 08:46
SImple wil do, but look in Argos for a 1hr fast charger, cost about £15-£20 but worth it for camera batteries. Some of the really cheap chargers can take 24hrs!! So read the small print :)

9th March 2004, 04:45
Only just got round to buying a charger, got it off the Battery Force website. A strange thing is that they included a belgian chocolate with the product inside the envelope! :mover

Still on the hunt for a cheap but classyish-looking case, although the only place I've properly looked is Dixons.

9th March 2004, 09:30
I've ordered so much off them, I've ordered the box to put the chockies in!! :)

9th March 2004, 10:25
Some of the outdoor shops(field & trek, cotswold, tec,etc) do cases which hold camera, batts and mem cards, i'm sure lots of internet camera sites also do.

7th April 2004, 17:53
After reading the favourable comments on here, I have just ordered a Fuji S5000 with 128MB ready for my hols next week........... :wiggle: :D

7th April 2004, 18:10
I've attached a pic I took with the S500. It is better quality than film, and you can do more with it. Zoom shots work best with a tripod.

Use Bonusprint online to get the prints published, it's the cheapest around, and quality is excellent.

PS. It's Sentosa beach in Singapore, only 6 weeks and I'll be their again :)

7th April 2004, 18:20
Blimey! I'm moving to Wales!

7th April 2004, 18:23
I know you guys are talking bigger and better things here but I just want a cheap camera with a flash that I can take standard pics with, indoors and night time.
I have had 3 cheap ones so far and they have all been rubbish.

7th April 2004, 18:26
I think all Fuji cams are good, not just the digital ones. If you're prepared to spend £30-£50 you can get a decent one for that price. Treat it as it is meant to be treated and it shouldn't give you any hassle. Dixons is a good place to start, whenever I go in they're always willing to help out. :)

7th April 2004, 18:40
Fuji 205. You can't go wrong with this one, bought my Dad one for Xmas, and he loves it. You'll need another 64/128MB card for around £30.



7th April 2004, 19:53
That looks good Keith but for that price plus the extra memory, surely may as well get a standard digital camera. My digicam was £130, have had no problems with it whatsoever, picture quality is first rate, and I love it.

7th April 2004, 20:01
But you know the advantages of digi. You don't have to have every pic processed, you can easily delete the crap one's. You can't take short video clips with a normal camera. It's easier to manipulate them on the computer, and it impresses your mates :)

7th April 2004, 20:04
Sorry Keith, my bad, I thought those links you put up were just for normal cameras that required a film to run. Hence my previous post! :geek

7th April 2004, 20:16
:doh And your the one at Uni, God help us :laugh

7th April 2004, 20:18

Sam, how much are you looking to spend on a camera?

7th April 2004, 20:38
Digital cameras don't really give you hassle, and they all produce good quality photographs. You can easily route your cam up to a PC using a USB cable, which is really easy to do, and if you need help doing that I can tell you how to. Anyway, for now, the following links might be of use:

Dixons: http://www.dixons.co.uk/martprd/store/dix_page.jsp?BV_SessionID=@@@@1042171772.1081366058@@@@&BV_EngineID=ccciadcldjhggilcflgceggdhhmdfhn.0&page=ProductList&category_oid=-18778&fm=0&sm=undefined&tm=undefined&show_all=true

Staples: http://www.staples.co.uk/ENG/Catalog/cat_class.asp?CatIds=1611,1636&name=UK%5FCL%5FDigital+Cameras+and+Camcorders

Dabs: http://www.dabs.com/uk/templates/Channels/ProductResults/ProductResults1.aspx?NRMODE=Published&NRORIGINALURL=%2fuk%2fchannels%2fphotoandvideo%2fdigitalcameras%2fproducts%2ehtm%3fcatid%3d413&NRNODEGUID=%7bE811D088-6F32-40D0-827C-9A2F38E45A42%7d&NRCACHEHINT=Guest&catid=413

Digital Camera Company: http://www.digital-cameras.com/shop/default.asp

These might seem overwhelming, but if you stick to simple rules you can't really go wrong. Stick to Optical Zoom, I'd recommend 2.0+ MegaPixels. Brands I'd recommend are Kodak, Fuji, Canon, Sony (some more expensive), and Nikon.

Hope this helps. :)

7th April 2004, 21:10
The Fuji camera I mentioned takes great picks, and with the additional memory card, which you have to buy with every camera, your looking at around £100-£110. The Fuji's also have an easy to use menu system.

The video is a bonus on the camera, you don't have to use it, but it has swung me round into buying a camcorder.

7th April 2004, 22:42
I'm tempted to get extra memory for mine. It holds about 40 photos at 'Best' quality before it tells me the memory is full. Not sure of it's capacity, I would estimate 16Mb?

8th April 2004, 17:08
I ordered my camera from http://www.cameras2u.com
11pm Tueday
Delivered 8:30am Thursday.
Well impressed with it.

Beware of some other internet retailers of cameras or you may end up with a French instruction manual.

Sacre Bleu

8th April 2004, 18:16
When you do decide to buy, check out the price on pricerunner, i've saved loads of dosh on various 'bits' just by using them.

9th April 2004, 00:05
Are digital cameras waterproof? This is my latest attempt with my Kodak cam. I think the picture quality is really good, sacrificed a little here so Keith's bandwidth didn't get murdered, but you get this jist... :)

9th April 2004, 08:38
They can hadle a little rain, but don't play with it in the bath.....and that goes for the camera as well :laugh

Oo er!! SJ's into flowers, now that is worrying :laugh

9th April 2004, 11:29
Hahaha! :laugh I'm not really 'into' flowers, it was just sunny, and you don't get much sunshine up 'ere, so thought I'd capture the glorious wonderful naturalness of this planet. :D

9th April 2004, 18:30
I am very impressed with my new camera, the only disappointment I would have made was that the price of my camera and memory card went DOWN by £24 from the time I ordered it to when it was delivered. If I had waited I could have got it cheaper. I understand prices do go up and do go down, but I thought I would send an email to the boss man at http://www.cameras2u.com pointing this out and he has kindly agreed to refund me the difference.
We always complain when things go wrong so I thought it right to compliment when things go well....
( Bet Mr PC World would not have done that ! )

9th April 2004, 18:41
JJ how much was yours?? Is it an expensive one?

SJ how much was yours????

9th April 2004, 18:44
My digicam was £130, have had no problems with it whatsoever, picture quality is first rate, and I love it.
JJ well done on grabbing the difference in price!

9th April 2004, 18:53
JJ how much was yours?? Is it an expensive one?

Sam, Mine cost me £283 but that was with a 128MB Memory Card.
I know it`s a lot of money but as I`m off to Oz next week I thought I would treat myself.

Even more pleased now that the price has come down by £24 :) :)

The camera on it`s own is now £224 :) :)

9th April 2004, 19:08
I dont want to spend more than a hundred cos it aint gonna get much use.
Try this Sam, another Fuji 2MB 3xOptical Zoom £89.99
( free next day delivery over £100 so buy a memory card )

9th April 2004, 19:52
Very impressive the Fuji S500, takes lovely clear pics.

I'm looking at camcorders now, as I'll be picking one up when I'm in Singapore, which usually gives me a good 6 month edge on UK prices, but as you noticed JJ, prices are always dropping in the tech industry and you can wait forever.

I like the look of the Sony DVD200 model, as it's easier to handle the data than with the tape DV versions, and saves piddling about with wires as I just put the DVD in the comp and edit it :) Should haggle it for around £500

Strange that JJ, that's the same camera I recommened in an earlier post :)

9th April 2004, 20:14
Your best getting 4X 2300 Ni-MH batteries (no lower than 2000 anyway), the higher the more power it stores & a charger, probably all for around £20-£25. This save you a lot of money in the long run.

You just plug the camera via USB to your PC, and upload those you want printed to Bonusprint.

I'd still say a bigger memory card is best (64MB min and at £15-£20 it's worth it.), but once it's full you just transfer them to your PC, and erase the card & start again.

9th April 2004, 23:49
Seriously Sam, it is dead easy.


These are the batteries I bought for my camera, recommended by Keith. I thought the price was really steep, over a tenner just for some batteries! But then I realised that for how long they last at a time, and the fact that they are rechargeable, you save yourself loadsa money, and saves you having to keep replacing the ones supplied with the cam.

The memory card is already inside the cam, upgrading is easy. I think most cams are supplied with 16Mb or 32Mb memory sticks but to get full use out of the cam I'd look to buy 128Mb or more. You'll use it more than you think, and the extra bit of storage goes a long way.

10th April 2004, 08:31
With 128mb I can get around 430 pics at dcent quality. May sound a lot, but when you on holiday with a digi you can take as many as you like, as you don't have to have them all printed. You can burn them to CD/DVD when you get home, and edit out some of the crap on some.

10th April 2004, 16:00
Don't look at me, I'm still trying to get my head around some of the twiddly bits on the S5000, hopefully JJ will read the manul and take it all in during the weekend :)

10th April 2004, 16:16
Don't look at me, I'm still trying to get my head around some of the twiddly bits on the S5000, hopefully JJ will read the manul and take it all in during the weekend :)
Yes Keith, I have read the manual
( unusually for me - but that`s why I didnt`t go for a cheaper price but with a french manual )

10th April 2004, 17:02
Can you write it in English then for a svoucer :laugh

You don't really need all the functions you get, but it's always handy to know they are there just in case.

I've always found the Fuji is excellent in low light and you don't even need the flash.

10th April 2004, 18:53
I've always found the Fuji is excellent in low light and you don't even need the flash.
Is that for the hidden camera in the bedroom function ?? :) :)

10th April 2004, 19:32
Don't give me ideas :)

29th April 2004, 17:40
the only disappointment I would have made was that the price of my camera and memory card went DOWN by £24 from the time I ordered it to when it was delivered. If I had waited I could have got it cheaper. I understand prices do go up and do go down, but I thought I would send an email to the boss man at http://www.cameras2u.com pointing this out and he has kindly agreed to refund me the difference.

I have just checked my bank account, and true to their word,they have refunded the difference to me.

29th April 2004, 23:10
I've been using a Fuji Finepix S602 Zoom for 18 months now and it takes cracking pictures plus the 1GB smartdrives hold zillions of files. Prior to that I had an Olympus Camedia (good pictures but the zoom range was limited) but that packed up within a few weeks of the guarantee ending.

6th May 2004, 01:55
Oh, I do like to zoom beside the seaside.........
(pics compressed from 450Kb to about 25Kb )

6th May 2004, 08:22
Their must be some editing going on JJ, we can't see the empty beer cans & used condoms!!

6th May 2004, 08:26
He's having us on Keith, all those boat pics are from Brighton marina.... he's just had a dirty weekend down the Grand Hotel! :wink

10th May 2004, 17:21
Not sure if you can help me out here but the camera I got I really like, its 3x zoom yet if I look out of my window to take a pic of something opposite it seems so far away, do I have to press something to get the zoom or is that as good as it gets?

10th May 2004, 19:58
Whn you first switch it on, it's normal mode is a wide'ish angle view. To zoom their should be a couple of buttons on it. It's time to read the instructions :)

10th May 2004, 20:01
...And once you have found the buttons and it is zoomed in as far it seems to zoom, keep holding it down and it will zoom further... hopefully... that's what mine does anyway, as I discovered yesterday... :)

10th May 2004, 21:24
You've probably got a couple of buttons marked T and W? If so, the T (Telescopic) zooms in and the W (Wide) zooms out.

As Stereo has pointed out, you might have a digital zoom facility as well - if you keep the T button pressed, the camera should switch to digital (or virtual) when it reaches the limit of the optical (or real) mode.

This can normally be seen by a horizontal line in your viewfinder - the vertical line moving along it represents how much "zoom" you have applied - the hollow part of the horizontal line represents the digital portion of the zoom.

One other point to note though, because the actual focal length of digital cameras tends to be much smaller than SLR's or even some 35mm rangefinder cameras, you will find that the zoom you can actually see in the viewfinder/back panel won't be as significant as you would think. A 3x zoom doesn't mean that it will blow things up 3 times their size - it just means that the focal length of the lens is increased 3 times. If you start with a small focal length, then your zoom will give you three times that smallness - typically about 30-35mm in most digital cameras.

10th May 2004, 21:25
Usually you zoom out. It will stop, that is the end of the physical zoom. If you then press the button down, it will zoom again with the digital zoom, but this isn't true zooming, it just changes the pixels, and you can do that with software if you wish later on.

12th October 2004, 14:44
Ok I sorted the teething problems that I had, the problem now is that I want an AC adapter, most of the photos I take are indoors and as batteries are lasting for about 24 pictures maximum it is costing a fortune.
What do I buy???
I have seen 3v adapters and 5v adapters?
I want to be able to take photos while it is plugged in with no need for batteries.Just to remind you all it is a Fuji A205s

12th October 2004, 14:50
Erm, purchase some rechargeable 2300's from here http://www.battery-force.co.uk/show_Rechargeable_Batteries.html

It'll save you a fortune long term, and I get over 400 pics on them on my Fuji S500, and that includes using the zoom and flash.

RC103155 AA NiMH 2300mAh x 4 w/Charger 24 in stock
£29.95 inc VAT
The combination of 4 Uniross NiMH AA 2300mAh rechargeable batteries with one of the fastest chargers for AA or AAA batteries. It will charge even the high capacity 2300mAh batteries in only 75 minutes. The universal voltage (100V-240V) mains adapter, electronic charge control and its compact sleek case make for an exceptionally desireable charger. Its ability to charge any number of batteries of the same type add to its practicality. When compared to the Uniross RC103152, this charger is more compact, features a lighter mains adapter, can charge any number from 1-4 batteries, but doesn't have the in-car lead. Uniross part #RC103155.

12th October 2004, 14:57
I cant see it Keith are the batteries the 7th ad down?????

12th October 2004, 15:05
7th is two batteries, 12th is four, 18th is four and the recharger (which you need)

Depends what you want. My camera takes 4, so I always carry 8 X 2300's

12th October 2004, 15:10

Is the powerstation (4th down) the same ?

12th October 2004, 15:23
Yes, but it's more expensive, and is an overnight charger, that's small print for 12 hours. The one I gave you takes 2-4 hours to recharge, and i s cheaper. Depends what you want.