View Full Version : 2nd favourites

12th February 2004, 12:09
What counts as a 2nd favourite if there are joint or co-favourites ?

eg if in a race the odds were

4/1 JF
4/1 JF
9/1 etc

then I would reason that the 8/1 counts as the 2nd favourite even though it is the 3rd lowest odds in the race - am I right ?

12th February 2004, 12:22
I would have thought that 2nd favourite would be obsolete.

i.e , if a race finishes in a dead heat there are 2 1sts and a 3rd but no 2nd. I would imagine this works the other way around too!

12th February 2004, 20:12
8/1 is the second favourite

12th February 2004, 23:49
Half stakes would be put on each if backed unnamed FAV.

I believe it is the same for unamed 2nd FAVS.

The are both FAV and both 2ND FAV. Youd get half stakes on each.

13th February 2004, 16:07
I checked the rules in my local bookies - you are right Pendle - the joiny fav is treated as 2nd fave and the stake split as per joint favourite.