View Full Version : Network Interface Card

16th February 2004, 01:23
Hi guys,

I need to buy a network interface card, but at the moment don't have the time to find out what sort to buy, as there appears to be so many different types to choose from.

They're trialling a 10Mbps broadband system at my univeristy student accommodation, and I'm signing up for it, only a NIC is needed.

I'm pretty knowledged with computers, but when it comes to networking, i'm lost!

Any help would be much appreciated. :)

16th February 2004, 01:33
I don't know much about networking, but I would have thought any 10/100 ethernet card would suit the purpose but I'm probably barking !!!

16th February 2004, 08:19
Yes, barking Plater, but up the right tree! As you say any of those cards will do the job. :)

16th February 2004, 08:46
Is it on Wifi or cable? As this makes a difference.

More beer money on gadgets, what a terrible World we live in eh SJ? :laugh

16th February 2004, 15:57
Indeed Keith! Had a word with a mate of mine and he also said any 10/100 Ethernet card will do the job. If I can get broadband (beginning of March), I'll never leave this place! :yikes:

16th February 2004, 21:59
...and I'll be moving in as well :laugh