View Full Version : Speed up 56k Dial-Up/ISDN/GPRS/Broadband by 200%-1000%

3rd March 2004, 18:32
Is it TRUE? Yes

How much? £24.99 for ONE YEAR!

You can now speed up you internet connection by 200%-1000%, whether it is dial-up, ISDN, or broadband.

Now I was sceptical at first as I've tried other software, but this is different, and having read rave reviews in computer mags I thought I'd check it out for you all.

All you need to do is pay the £24.99, and this gives you one years access to ON SPEEDS server. A short program download does all the tech stuff for you, so all you need do it click INSTALL, and reboot.

Your web pages are then passed through there servers, and compressed using complex formula patented by the US military for battlefield communications. This speeds up loading by around 200%-500%, depending on what the page holds, and email by up to 1000%.

Does it work in the real World? I've been testing it on various things all day now, and things like Betfair on a 64K ISDN work around 300%-400% faster. The RP site is much much faster. PING on games improves by up to 200%, great for staying alive longer.

Any downside? The forum works a little faster, but as this is database driven, the speed is controlled by my servers database. Due to compression, picture quality had be downgraded, but this isn't an issue, and ON SPEED can easily be switched OFF/ON anyway if needed. It won't speed up downloads much such as MP3's, as they are already compressed, but they are bringing new formula online in April to do this.

It's not true broadband, but it should speed you up by at least 200% on dial-up & ISDN, and for £25.99 a year, you can't complain, and so far I'd say it is worth every penny, as your not waiting around as long for pages to load, and is a good stepping stone to the real thing.

It'll also give you that extra time edge on Betfair, which is so important.

Where do you sign up? http://www.qksrv.net/click-637563-10306972

3rd March 2004, 20:19
Keith will it work with Broadband? as on their site it just mentions dial-up.

3rd March 2004, 20:42
On there sire it mentions dial-up, ISDN 64k & 128K, and broadband. It works with them all, as it's the same compression.

You may not notice much difference on broadband though as it's faster anyway, but it will improve it, depends what your looking for. If your on a broadband ratio of 50:1 which is the norm, then you'll probably notic a difference in peak times.

If you don't like it, you have 14 days to cancel and get your money back.

I'm made up with it, as I can now play Battlefield 1942 online without being shot before I know it!!!

3rd March 2004, 22:05
On the site it says £24.99 a year so it's even cheaper than you mentioned. :)

3rd March 2004, 22:20
That's because my internet now works faster than my brain which is only 72k!!!

It flies through the RP site, surprised this kind of thing has been done on the net before, someone in the open source must have figured out something.

3rd March 2004, 22:20
Been reading some reviews and it sounds impressive plus they're working on improving it further.... must be worth that extra couple of quid a month if you still have dial up

3rd March 2004, 22:25
Every major magazine gives it A1, and I do myself. Just managed to get a decent score on Battlefield, usually my Ping has been to limited to do much.

3rd March 2004, 22:28
Will it work with the Vodafone Mobile Connect internet access? That would be well worth it alone.

3rd March 2004, 22:29
Broadband users should also visit speedguide.net for a broadband 'tune-up' - can increase download speeds by around 30-40%

4th March 2004, 09:13
According to the site, it works on GPRS as long as your laptop has the software switched on, as the data is still passed through their server, this would save you the £24.99 in a month or two depending on what you download.

I've just tested mine, and it is around 3X quicker, but again, it does depend what your downloading, but normal web pages are much faster, thereby saving money.

5th March 2004, 12:17
I've bought it. b****y brilliant. Logging into sites with a username and password is sometimes tricky but hey who cares. I'm a happy bunny.

5th March 2004, 12:23
Further testing shows it does download 2-3 times faster on GPRS, and I'm just running through AOL now. They sau it doesn't work, but not sure if that's just the AOL interface, or their servers.

5th March 2004, 12:36
Just installed it and the difference is good on broadband, but amazing on GPRS! Thanks for sharing!:)

5th March 2004, 12:45
hi all...hope you don't mind me posting this but there is a trial cd for onspeed in Internet Advisor :D

5th March 2004, 13:40
At £24.99 though it's not worth trialling, and as you can see by this thread, it works a treat. 'nuf said :)

8th March 2004, 18:33
It also allows me to access sites that are blacklisted by the goverment here such as Betfair.
What a deal!!

8th March 2004, 21:30
Don't tell them they may charge you more :)

15th March 2004, 01:25
heard/seen this advertised on Xfm now you recomend it i got a have it meh

15th March 2004, 22:34
any ideas whether it would work on Satellite broadband--it's all we can get out in the sticks & isn't much better than 56K (except at night)

15th March 2004, 22:39
Work on mobile GPRS, so it should work on Satellite as it feeds through their server before being flown into space for you.

22nd March 2004, 19:20
Hi Keith,

Can you tell me, please, how well AOL works with Onspeed, now that you have tested it?

Like you, I was told that Broadband was highly unlikely to be available at my local (rural) exchange, but have now learned that it will be available mid-April 2004. :mover

On their website, Onspeed specifically state that the AOL platform is not compatible. However, I emailed Onspeed to ask whether AOL compatibility was in their future plans, and they then replied that if Internet Explorer was installed as an alternative to the AOL browser it would work. AOL advise that my recently upgraded version (v 9.0) has Internet Explorer inbuilt, and can be accessed after first opening AOL.

I am sorely tempted to upgrade to Broadband, after hankering after it for so long, but if Onspeed works under the aforementioned conditions I would like to give it a quick try.


22nd March 2004, 21:11
If you do what I do then ONSPEED works no problem with AOL.

LOGIN, then put AOL on the taskbar and leave it there. Use IE to surf the web & Outlook Express for email.

It won't work directly with the AOL software, but it works on the connection of you use any other software. Netscape, Opera, etc all work.

As mentioned above, it also speeds up broadband, but you may not notice if your a newbie to it.

You also have to switch it off sometimes when on Betfair, but not always, it depends on the caching. Everything else zips along compared to your normal connection.

22nd March 2004, 22:08
Thanks for that Keith, I'll give it a try. :)

9th May 2004, 09:46
This software has now been upgraded, no more caching issues, and on average speeds up my 64k ISDN between X3-X11 depending on whay I'm doing.

This works great as well if you already have broadband, but if your on dialup, it is a must.

10th May 2004, 09:19
Onspeed cost =£25 / year

Numbers of days I use GPRS to bet / year = about 30

Mb downloads for 1 days betting = about 2.5

Cost @ £2.35 = £176.25

Using Onspeed, 1 days Mb = about 0.5 (and MUCH faster too even if you can only use one BF account at a time)

Saving in cash alone around £140! Thats a new bank for a system and £40 to buy the wife a drink!
Tried and tested with my own eyes and wallet.

18th June 2004, 08:31
New version available with better software control, and higher compression.

2nd December 2004, 21:21
Broadband users should also visit speedguide.net for a broadband 'tune-up' - can increase download speeds by around 30-40%
Just went to that site and downloaded the optimizer thing. Talkabout aint got a clue, but optimized everything and retried the speed test and theres no difference. Im on wanadoo 1.1mb and the speed test averages half that!

2nd December 2004, 21:43
You'll never get full speed, as you'll be on a 50:1 ratio (you might at 3am!!)

2nd December 2004, 22:47
Then the b******s should tell me the AVERAGE speed, not the speed il get if theres a nuclear holocaust and im the only human left alive!!! :butthead:wipes!

2nd December 2004, 23:10
e55 - What are your veiws on euthanasia.....? If you married the most beautiful girl in the world - you would complain that she didnt have enough hairs on her pussy......

2nd December 2004, 23:15
They do, it's in the T&C your supposed to read before signing up :)

Technically speaking, if everyone on a 50:1 broadband connection downloads a DVD at the same time, it will be slower than dial-up.

2nd December 2004, 23:17
Now you're pulling our legs Keith, who would use a broadband connection for something like that.... Ooo

2nd December 2004, 23:19
Not me, all the porn is VHS isn't it? :D

3rd December 2004, 06:45
:wiggle: VHS = very hard squinting. :wiggle:
:D :D :D

3rd December 2004, 13:52
e55 - What are your veiws on euthanasia.....? If you married the most beautiful girl in the world - you would complain that she didnt have enough hairs on her pussy......
Not sure wot euthanasia is, but oh no, id complain she had too many :laugh ::hump

25th March 2005, 10:46
Renewing my Onspeed subs and just noticed that tehy now have a PDA Beta. Anyone tried it?

25th March 2005, 10:47
Nope, didn't know, but I'll be testing that one :)

25th March 2005, 20:41
Any idea what this might mean? Hav edownloaded it to the xda but it isn't connecting

8.http://www.onspeed.com/en/img/common/invis.gifWhen the ONSPEED Web Accelerator Client is enabled, it acts as an internet proxy (HTTP) which is managed through the Pocket PC Connection Manager. The application is installed as a proxy for your Work network. You can find out what settings your Work network uses by opening the Connection Manager (Start -> Settings -> Connections -> Connections) and tapping Select Networks from the Advanced tab. The network that ONSPEED establishes a proxy for is the one found under Programs that automatically connect to a private network should connect using

25th March 2005, 21:39
The networking system on my XDA IIs is completely different than the original XDA. Which reminds, me I need to unlock it and send it to Singapore.

I'll download it on Sunday and have a play.

8th April 2005, 10:06
Got it working at last.

Its fast,fast,fast!!! :)

(You need to add it to the exeptions under My ISP.)

8th April 2005, 11:15
Thanks for reminding me, I still ain't signed up yet :yikes:

8th April 2005, 11:20
Getting a 5x compression ratio (with images turned off). I'm not sure O2 will be so happy when their income drops rapidly!.

8th April 2005, 11:30
My XDAIIs is on Vodafone, I get much better signals. In fact around N Wales O2 doesn't exist!!!

8th April 2005, 11:41
In the "mountains" of Kent I can't get Vodafone, despite being inside the M25! My O2 reception is spotless though. Will keep my Vodafone going in case I ever go to Wales. :laugh:laugh:laugh. Yeah...right!