View Full Version : E-mail problems

28th March 2004, 19:05
Any of you whizz kids know a possibilty why having sent an e-mail late last night no problem, and having touched no settings I can receive e-mail but not send using microsoft outlook express.

I get the following error message;

The connection to the server has failed. Account:'pop.dial.pipex.com', Server:1192.168.1.1, Protocol:SMTP, port:25, Secure (SSL): no, Socket Error:10060 Error Number Ox800CCCOE

If that information allows any of you to access my bank account details I know a very big bloke.

28th March 2004, 19:06
Probably just the PIPEX POP server is down. Check there web site for Techno details, or just wait an hour or so, they usually come back online.

28th March 2004, 19:35
Tried that shows no "outages" and has been like this since last night, any other pointers?

28th March 2004, 20:17
When a POP server is down, they don't usually broadcast it on the site, I would doubt it's something your end. I have 14 emails accounts with different providers, and they are always on & off, some go down for hours, which is why all the backups.

Give it till tomorrow, if not working by then, give there help desk a kick up the :butthead: