View Full Version : 'do Wish To Debug ?'

6th April 2004, 13:48
A pop up comes up on Ladbrokes site and has done for 24 hours saying there is an 'error 167' and asks me i I want to debug... I said yes, and I got a page of text but nothing more happened. I said no but the pop up kept poppping up... I can get rid of pop ups but don`t want to on the laddies site as they use them for info/confirmation etc.. I`ve no idea what this pop is or means ? anyone advise please ?

6th April 2004, 14:00
dont debug.

This is what is happening.
Your computer is reading the text that Ladbrooks is sending you and interpreting this text as commands. If a command is mistyped at the ladbrooks end then your computer can't interprit it. This is when it asks 'do you wish to debug?' the answer is 'NO' as it is either a Ladbrooks problem OR you need to upgrade your computers ability to interprit the commands ladbrooks is sending.

You can turn the question 'do you wish to debug' off by using IE tools-internet options-Advanced tab-(tick Disable script debugging). You should not be bothered by the question anymore.

6th April 2004, 14:10
This also happens if you use a pop-up blocker, as it is unable to comply with the script.

8th April 2004, 08:53
Thank Marcus, it worked... no more annoying do you wish to de-bug pop-ups.. :hearty