View Full Version : Daft Questions

22nd April 2004, 23:53
I also want to know the explanation to Long Handicaps, but a couple of others I'm curious about.....

Why is it 6/4 and not 3/2???
Should we be using 10/3 or 100/30???
Can anyone explain what Tri-Banded races are???
How do the weights work when a jockey has a claiming allowance (not sure on correct terminology) against their name? Do the others all have to carry that much extra???
On a horses form guide, if F means fell, B means brought down and U means unseated rider, what is O (the letter)? Think I've seen L as well.
Do the BBC know how to cover racing properly??? Or any sport for that matter?

That should do - for now :)


23rd April 2004, 00:09

Why is it 6/4 and not 3/2???

I've often wondered about that one!!

23rd April 2004, 01:00
Only got me thinking about it as Excel automatically defaults to it - presumably as that's logical - but it's Microshaft software so how can it be logical!


23rd April 2004, 01:14
Not sure if you are having a laugh with some of these Kevin .. Questions 1-2-and 6 don't really warrant a reply :D

3. Tri-banded are races where horses from different grades can run b,c,d whatever,in the same race.

4. If you see a claimer 7,5,3 next to a jockey then this is the claim against the weight,i will use the 3.05 as e.g Maraud will race off 9st. 7lb.. that is 10st. minus the 7lb. that the jockey claims. BTW in the last few months you will see [10] this means that a 7lb. claimer is riding for his/her own stable and is allowed to claim an extra 3lb.

5. O simply means the horse wasn't placed... L .. is left at start

Clear as mud once again.... :)

23rd April 2004, 01:21
5. O simply means the horse wasn't placed... L .. is left at start

So O (letter) and 0 (number) are the same? They are definitely two different characters!

And I was serious about 1 and 2 :rolleyes: lol

As for Q6 - we all know the BBC are :censored: when it comes to sport - as a Rugby League fan I know people are appalled at their constant Rugby Yawnion bias!

Ta very muchly for your explanations anyway, time I was thinking of finding my bed!


23rd April 2004, 02:27
You have got me thinking about this 'O' thing now,perhaps you have seen r/o..ran out, or perhaps it is something obvious that i can't fathom out at this time of night... anyway why am i wasting my time down here when i've got a busty blonde waiting for me upstairs?

Probably cos i havn't,but am off to bed anyway,to sleep perchance to dream.

:cow: .. strange what some people dream about

23rd April 2004, 07:01
The team at sportinglife radio believe the O means 'carried out' or 'ran out'.
I think the 6/4 and 3/2 thing have been answered elsewhere - you might have to search.

23rd April 2004, 08:17
I'll have a look for the 3/2 answer sometime - and what do SportsLive know! You heard those naff jingles lately - me thinks someone got a new toy to play with :D


23rd April 2004, 08:40
The odds are done that way because it used to suit bookies & punters in 'old money' you remeber shillings don't you?? They also have 85/40, 100/8, 100/9, 100/7 and a few other quirky one's, you may see them now & again, but you can still get them on the track if you ask.

If you see 14/1, ask for 100/7 they usually give it to you. That gives you an extra .28 in fractions.

The BBC have a set budget for sport/racing, the rest goes on more exciting things like Corrie!!

25th April 2004, 02:31
Thanks for that reply - but Corrie is on ITV, not the BBC :D

25th April 2004, 08:40
The intention was soaps in general, they are all a waste of time, and time is money, for the TV companies, and in money making research time for myself.

25th April 2004, 10:46
how about a few new ones JO for when the jockey jumps off
FSJ for when the jockey stops riding and loses ******* stupid jockey
CBOB for when the jockey cheats to make the horse lose cheating ******* on board

25th April 2004, 10:58
I like them Silax! :)

25th April 2004, 13:13
Probably cos i havn't,but am off to bed anyway,to sleep perchance to dream.
Interesting to know you're a bit of a Shakespearian, Kieron! :)

25th April 2004, 13:19
You mean he dreams of thespians? :)

25th April 2004, 13:20
I gather he's a bit of a thespian in his spare time as well... :wink

25th April 2004, 13:24
Did I tell you my sister's a thespian, think that's what she said before me mam fainted anyway :D

25th April 2004, 13:27

25th April 2004, 13:31
It's OK SJ, another VERY late night :( I always wake up in a funny mood after 4 hours sleep!


25th April 2004, 13:33
Go back to bed, nothing happens on Sundays! :)

25th April 2004, 13:36
Oh it does, starting in about 35 minutes at Brighton for me :D Anyway, if I sleep now, I won't sleep tonight, then I'll be stuffed for work tomorrow :(


25th April 2004, 13:39
You get stuffed for work, thought that only happened to turkeys!!

25th April 2004, 15:03
:laugh: :laugh:.. some good stuff there,keep trying and one day you might all be as funny as me.

The jury is out on whether that is funny ha-ha or funny peculiar.

25th April 2004, 15:10
Well I have a vision of your face in front of me, and boy, that's funny :D

25th April 2004, 15:17
:laugh: if i was more computer literate i may have used my image as avatar like you have,perhaps you can pm me the details in 'blonde' lingo on how this is done.

25th April 2004, 17:06
Just sit on the scanner that's what Kev done (tongue in cheek) :)

Can you here the spring unwinding....... :yikes:

25th April 2004, 17:13
Keith - urgent message for you from Manchester Mission Control:

::swear :censored: ::swear :censored: ::swear



25th April 2004, 17:18
I thought you were manckevin not Kev :doh :)

Have you done the Moss Side Marathon yet? You have to mug as many people as possible in 26 miles :laugh

25th April 2004, 17:24
How else do I pay for my bets :D

Kev B