View Full Version : blondes

12th May 2004, 21:22
just to even up the post for mrs peza :D

Smart ?

A girl comes skipping home from school and shouts, "Mommy, Mommy! Today we did counting and all the other kids only got up to 5, but I got up to 10!
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10...that's good isn't it, Mommy?"
"Yes dear it is."
"Is that because I'm blonde, Mommy?"
"Yes dear it is."

The next day the girl comes skipping home and screams, "Mommy, Mommy! Today we did the alphabet and all the other kids only got to D but I got up to G!
A, B, C, D, E, F, G...that's good isn't it, Mommy?"
"Yes dear it is."
"Is that because I'm blonde, Mommy?"
"Yes dear it is."

The following day the girl comes skipping home and says, "Mommy, today we did gym class and all the other girls had flat chests but I have these!" The girl pulls up her top revealing a pair of amazing 36C breasts. "That's good isn't it, Mommy?"
"Yes dear it is," replies a slightly embarrassed mother.
"Is it because I'm blonde, Mommy?"
"No dear...it's because you're 25!!!"

Dumb ?
A blonde walks into a Pharmacy and asks the assistant for some Bum Deodorant. The Pharmacist, a little bemused, explains to the woman that they don't sell Bum Deodorant, and never have.
Unfazed, the blonde assures the Pharmacist that she has been buying the stuff from this store on a regular basis, and would like some more.
"I'm sorry,” says the Pharmacist " we don't have any"
"But I always get it here" says the blonde
"Do you have the container it comes in"?
"Yes" says the blonde "I'll go home and get it"
She returns with the container and hands it to the Pharmacist who looks at it and says to her, " This is just a normal stick of underarm deodorant"
The annoyed blonde snatches the container back and reads out loud from the container ..........................................................................
"To apply, push up bottom"

14th May 2004, 23:42
hahahaha never heard any of them before... both very good