View Full Version : Concerts

15th May 2004, 08:54
Deep Purple, Dio, Motorhead, Anastasia, Status Quo, all booked for this year, and I should dig out a few more to go and see.

If your after tickets for music, sports, theatre, etc, this is a great site http://www.ticketmaster.co.uk

You can even go and see Four Puffs & A Piano if it tickles you somewhere :yikes:

15th May 2004, 09:55
Hi Keith,

Are you going to the Deep Purple gig where they'll be supported by Mr Frampton, Thunder and 1 other? (supposedly Thin Lizzy are going to be the 4th act)

This tour will see my 53rd visit to see Thunder !! and I'm sure you won't be disappointed if they're on the show you're going to.


15th May 2004, 10:06
I'm off the NEC to see Purple only, I'm not into the others so I'd only be sitting there getting piddled off waiting for Purple to come on.

Can't stand Thin Lizzy!

15th May 2004, 22:18
Next gig is Iron Butterfly next month, Keith, if you're going to Motorhead in London, let me know and we could meet up in some Cockney dive nearby a few hours early! :pn (I know you don't drink but I do!)

Dio I'm going to miss as I'm on holiday that week :( He was brilliant last year, voice in amazing nick for 62!

Purple will be pure class as always... no Jon Lord, but Don Airey is a good stand in, and Steve Morse is as good as BLackmore (or GOD as I reckon he is!)

Anastacia will be great - cracking voice, and a brilliant new rocking album to finally suit that voice! And not forgetting that figure....... woooo

16th May 2004, 07:59
And not forgetting that figure....... woooo

You dirty little........she's great though, and sexy, especuially when she takes the shades off :)

I usually stick to Manchester & the NEC for my gigs, but Saxon are playing at the Astoria so may find a nice race meeting to coincide, and then book it.

16th May 2004, 19:23
Haven't got my Saxon ticket yet but should be going - 25th anniversary tour, so it should be a good one, and old Biff is still belting them out great style and the present band are brilliant with Doug Scarrett an excellent guitarist.

Have you caught the other mob - Oliver-Dawson Saxon? They supported someone in London a year or so back - musically not bad, but the singer is stuck in an 80's timewarp - big hair, ripped t-shirt etc, and he's no Biff! Graham Oliver now looks like Bobby Ball's twin! I couldn't stop laughing at the faces he was pulling on stage!

16th May 2004, 21:14
Biff's cool, been into Saxon since the mid 80's, I'm a sad old rocker now at 38!

Nothing like some good loud metal to clean out the ears :)

16th May 2004, 21:24
Had a bit of a laugh yesterday at the car boot sale we were doing. I'm sadly getting rid of some of my old vinyl as I have a lot of them on CD now. Not the same but taks up less space. Anyway a woman dressed in all black, hair dyed bright red, comes along with her young daughter, maybe 5 or 6 year old. She picks up the first album - happens to be Motorhead's Orgasmatron, shows it to the girl and says 'That's God that is - Lemmy!!' Nice to see a youngster in such safe hands!

Back to Saxon, been a fan right since Wheels of Steel, actually got to meet Paul Quinn and Doug Scarrett (he was at school with a mate down here) on the tour bus a couple of years back, and got my best tie-dyed Saxon shirt autographed by them (now framed :) ). Good blokes.... got invited to stay with them to the next gig in Cardiff, but didn't think the wife would be too happy when I phoned her from Wales next day! Of course next day I told her this and she said I should have just gone!!! ::swear

16th May 2004, 21:28
I've just got hold of the 'Night of the Hawks' Hawkwind video, very bad, but I went to the tour and it reminds of when I was young. :) If I could just remember when that was :doh

Hope they tour up here this year, they used to always do Liverpool in March.

16th May 2004, 21:38
Got that video as well, plus a few others from the late 80's / early 90's. Got the one that was shown on TV late at night when they had Bridget Wishart on vocals, from around 1990, and there's also a Stonehenge video from 84 with around 20 minutes each of Hawkwind, Roy Harper, and the Enid..... just downloaded a few bootlegs as well - one of Bob Calverts last gigs in 86 and a couple of Nik Turners Inner City Unit. Been a lot of great stuff posted on the newsgroups recently, the CD burner has been quite busy!

Also managed to get some solo bits by Tim Blake, Harvey Bainbridge, and Michael Moorcock, plus some Bedouin stuff - Alan Davey's band on the side - he'e been playing bass with Hawkwind for 20 years now apart from a couple of years in the mid 90's. I reckon he got the gig as he's a massive Lemmy fan - plays Rickenbackers, and used to gig in a Motorhead tribute band called Ace of Spades...

16th May 2004, 21:40
Wow, you are an old rocker :laugh

16th May 2004, 21:43
Wow, you are an old rocker :laugh

Oh, yeah... my wife reckons I could bore for Britain when I get started on music.... especially when I've had a few :hic

Micky T
16th May 2004, 23:11
Oh, yeah... my wife reckons I could bore for Britain when I get started on music.... especially when I've had a few :hic

:snooze :snooze :snooze :snooze :snooze :snooze :snooze :snooze :snooze :snooze :snooze :snooze :snooze :snooze :snooze :snooze :snooze :snooze :snooze

:D :D

16th May 2004, 23:24
Cheeky git! :D

17th May 2004, 07:59
Do you wear leather then, what a thought, Big C in tight leather pants :laugh

17th May 2004, 08:31
Do you wear leather then, what a thought, Big C in tight leather pants :laugh

They don't have cows big enough to make leather trousers for my size! So, no it's usually jeans and the leather jacket for gigs.... unless it's really hot and I've been known to wear shorts..... :yikes:

17th May 2004, 08:42
Your getting Sam all excited now :)