View Full Version : Logitech DiNovo Media Desktop

10th June 2004, 18:55
Now I know it's hard to get excited about a keyboard and mouse set, but this piece of kit is simply superb in every aspect.

I was fortunate enough to win one of these from our friends at Ladbrokes last week. I received an email stating that I had won a wireless desktop kit, therefore I was expecting a £29.99 desktop to arrive, what a surprise when I opened the parcel to find one of the latest pieces of technology on the market.

Before I go any further, this keyboard is the best part of £160 in varying outlets, so it's not for the feint hearted.

I won't go into detail about the ins and outs as this link gives a superb all questions asked review Click here for review (http://www.fastlanehw.com/reviews.php?action=view&revid=83)

I believe there isn't a better set on the market, and it's a dream to use.

If you've won a few quid today, and fancy a new Bluetooth desktop kit, you can't go far wrong with the Logitech DiNovo Media Desktop.


10th June 2004, 19:31
Looks very tasty indeed - well done! I've used various Logitech bits over the years and they've always been pretty good.... this really looks the business though!

10th June 2004, 19:36
Looks terrible.

I just bought the wireless Office Keyboard & Mouse set
KEY-MCK-9000 Wireless OfficeMedia Pro KB & Mse £24.68

Brilliant, although I use a trackball, the mouse is very good, but the keyboard extras make using windows easier & quicker.

10th June 2004, 19:40
Each to their own Keith.....The thing I like about the DiNovo is that it has all the extras hidden in the 'Function' Keys.....you can use the 'F' keys as the usual open this, open that, back, forward etc...but it doesn't have loads of other keys cluttering the keyboard.

I'll take a look at the kit you've got for the missus PC though !! Sounds a snip at the price.

10th June 2004, 19:42
Looks like we'll have to differ on this one Keith - yours does look good though, especially for the price.

10th June 2004, 19:51
This keyboard has all the MS Office shortcuts easily labelled.

Microsoft over charge all of their products, and some are rubbish. Their intelli-trackball is utter rubbish. The buttons are to flimsy. I bet Mr Gates doesn't use it :)

10th June 2004, 19:53
It's worth keeping an eye on the home page of Aria each week as they have some excellent bargains. I got some top surround speakers 1/2 price, and a DVD-ROM for £8!! for my auld man :)

10th June 2004, 20:22
I've just had this through from Ebuyer


Doesn't look as robust as the one I got, but depends on what price your prepared to pay.

10th June 2004, 21:06
I spent the best part of a whole £19.99 for this keyboard, and I love it to bits. It's one of the Logitech ones with blue top and sides to it, nice and curvy, and the palmrest is extremely useful. Not keen on the 'look' of yours Mark, looks a little too square for my liking, but the review certainly talks it up to be special. Glad you're happy with it. :)

10th June 2004, 21:14
My keyboard is covered in crumbs and bits of kebab where i eat my food whilst doing the racing - it is truly disgusting!

10th June 2004, 21:27
My keyboard is covered in crumbs and bits of kebab where i eat my food whilst doing the racing - it is truly disgusting!

Sounds like you're a candidate for those two mad cleaning women on the telly!

11th June 2004, 09:20
Send it to Africa TH, it'll feed them for a few days :)

11th June 2004, 10:39
Keith!! :yikes:

11th June 2004, 10:48
Well we can't sit around waiting for the G8, we all must do our bit. I'll hoover the car later and find something for supper!!!!

11th June 2004, 10:49
G8? Is that text speak?

How will the bit of wrought iron at the end of my front garden help the Africans?

11th June 2004, 10:52
I don't think it would iron out any of their problems. :splapme