View Full Version : windows help please

12th June 2004, 16:26
windows wont load just keep getting windows protection message and can only start in safe mode, tried reinstalling windows but the same happened, ive now installed another windows on a different drive just to get in and try to find out whats wrong any1 had this or knows of anything i can do? any help greatly appreciated before i lose the rest of my hair or pc exits via window

12th June 2004, 16:31
Try going back to a RESTORE POINT see if that works, and do a virus scan.

12th June 2004, 16:36
In safe mode there is an option for " last known good configuration " in XP. Not sure if it's available in other versions of windows though ?

12th June 2004, 16:46
Windows version please.

12th June 2004, 16:53
Msdos 3.1 :)

12th June 2004, 17:25
i'm really old still running 98se

12th June 2004, 17:49
now ive been able to install new anti virus as avg was disabled ive had the trojan TR/DELF.J I presume this is the problem and hopefuuly will now be able to sort things out

12th June 2004, 17:54
If you don't already have one, get a hold of a decent firewall as well as your AV software - Zone Alarm is free in it's basic form and does the job well.


12th June 2004, 17:56
Can you start(boot) the PC off the CD or are you Starting the PC off the hard drive and then installing?

Sorry but need more info.

The reason I ask is because if you have a boot virus (rare these days) It will just keep reinstalling itself on the boot track when you install windows.

You must know about renaming(deleting:yikes: ) the origional win.com and win.ini in the windows directory in order to 'fool' windows into reinstalling everything from new.

You can edit the win.ini file and remove any load/run programs it may have.
You also have the 'run' in the registary it check. That all I can think of for now.

14th June 2004, 18:00
I think u will find that AVG and Zone Alarm have both been hacked i wouldn't use either i use Mcaffee myself hope that helps Ooo

14th June 2004, 20:23
Mcafee gets hacked as well, that's whu it's better using a lesser known product like Panda, which was business only when it started but now caters for the home user very well.

14th June 2004, 21:51
well i have never had any problems and Panda is widely available to download on internet :wink

14th June 2004, 22:15
If you don't have a current username & password, Panda won't update, which is a must. All the one's on Warez & P2P sites are out of date.

Security is worth paying for, otherwise you might find yourselves being part of a Denial of Service attack against a bookie or exchange, and that can spell big trouble.

14th June 2004, 23:03
i think it depends which warez and p2p sites u use anyway at end of day u can NEVER have enough protection on your pc just check www.download.com and see whats about
Regards :compcrash

15th June 2004, 08:47
Panda do IP checks, and too many collections gets the username cancelled. Too many viruses going around on P2P sites, so scan every download, and warez sites are full of them these days, not worth the hassle getting a virus to get a anti-virus crack!!!!

15th June 2004, 09:03
There are certain pieces of software I will always pay for rather than get by other means, and AV software is a must to get legally (I got mine as part of Norton Systemworks), as is a good firewall - I use Zonealarm Pro. I also paid for WinRar as it's the most useful program of it's type and for my Agent newsreader software as I've been using that for many years and it's my favourite for getting music from the newsgroups.