View Full Version : Motorhead

12th June 2004, 20:36
The new Motorhead album is due out on the 22nd - called Inferno. Some very kind soul posted a pre release copy on the newsgroups a couple of days ago, so I had to check it out. Could be another classic! A great set of songs, brilliant production, with the band in great form, Mickey Dee in particular is one of the hottest drummers in rock these days. One very different track is the last one on the album - Motorhead unplugged! It's an acoustic blues song with Lemmy actually singing instead of roaring like a demented bull, and he also plays a mean harmonica solo as well! Quite a surprise end to a brilliant album. :D :D :D

12th June 2004, 21:07
Your very sad....where can I buy it :)

Will be off to see them at Liverpool later in the year. Have to grow my hair though, I'm with the 1mm length cut at the moment, and the hair on my head isn't much longer :doh

12th June 2004, 21:28
I'm sure you'll be able to pre order it somewhere, but if you can't wait, do it the way I did and scour the music newsgroups for it - well worth it! Or see if it's filtered on to Shareaza yet.

Next thing I'm about to download is weird - Gregorian chant versions of Purple's Child in time, Floyds Wish You Were Here, and Stairway to Heaven! God knows what they'll sound like but I'm curious!

As for the hair - been there before with the number 2 cut all over a few years back, no use at a gig when you need something to shake!

12th June 2004, 21:45
I've got plenty to shake but the wife tells me to leave them in a jar....

12th June 2004, 22:10
Gregorian chant - my dad went through that phase - steer clear!!!!!

12th June 2004, 22:19
I like some of that stuff - the Enigma albums are really good, very atmospheric and relaxing after a good Motorhead session!

12th June 2004, 23:02
it's available on emule just now:


I still love hearing Mr Palin recite:

Øh Lørd, whø art øn high
Whø hath made the blades øf grass
and the little tiny things that creep therein
That hath made the cricket bats
That hath made hankies
That hath made...................all things
Bless thøu, these peøple frøm Møtørhead
That they may sø verily endøur the peøple øf this planet
with pleasure and enjøyment
That yay they may verily increase føurføld
their already large sums øf løøt
And enable them herein this life tø purchase
maybe øne øther pair øf trøusers each

12th June 2004, 23:23
Brilliant, Zomby - that bit is from Rock'n'Roll, not their best album but side 1 (showing my age!) is 100% classics! Not forgetting Lemmy's 'acting' in the 'Eat the Rich' movie as well! :) :)

13th June 2004, 02:42
Next thing I'm about to download is weird - Gregorian chant versions of Purple's Child in time, Floyds Wish You Were Here, and Stairway to Heaven! God knows what they'll sound like but I'm curious!

Just listened to those Gregorian Chante versions and they actually work! Not strictly speaking 'real' Gregorian chants, but they sound really good. Either that or it's the bottle and a half of wine I've scoffed tonight!

14th June 2004, 16:09
Listening to a bootleg I've been after for years.... in 1992 Black Sabbath were touring with Dio back on vocals, and he decided he'd had enough of the same things that caused him to leave first time out. Rather than cancel the last couple of gigs they got a certain Rob Halford of Judas Priest to fill in .... and Ozzy appeared for the last couple of songs, and within days Ozzy was back in the band again. Quality is good enough, and Rob handles both Ozzy's and Dio's material brilliantly..... and when Ozzy comes on.... woohoo! One of those once in a lifetime gigs only a lucky few get to witness, and sadly the west coast of the States was too far for me to go see Sabbath!

14th June 2004, 20:29
I've just got a Judas Priest video of Ebay :) Boy, makes me feel old :laugh

Would have liked We Are The Road Crew on the 25 years DVD, it's good enough for Pop Idol that one!!