View Full Version : tote pools

14th June 2004, 02:09
what time do the tote pools usually open, as everytime i have looked it say's - there are no tote pools open, as i would like to start doing the free placepot.

14th June 2004, 03:23
Placepot is usually on the tote website around 8AM, i think :doh


14th June 2004, 08:08
Pools are on now just gone 8:00 for all meetings today.

14th June 2004, 08:33
I emailed them about that last year, asking why the markets aren't open 24/7 so they can get business from around the World.

They stated, that people only bet after 8am, so they have no need to open them an earlier.

Eh?? That makes no sense. They only bet after 8am, because that is the only time they can, as the Tote don't put them up earlier. And if they haven't noticed, 8am here, is NOT 8am all over the planet!!!!

What a pathetic managerial decision. So much for global conquest by the bookies. Would it cost the Tote anymore by putting up the pools 24 hrs earlier?

14th June 2004, 12:14
exactly keith, most bookies now have 24/7 phone operators, so why don't the tote open 24/7.

14th June 2004, 12:25
...global conquest by the bookies.
Reminds me of the Ladbrokes poker site - proudly announcing on the front page that the site is for Europeans only - no Americans are allowed to sign up or play at the tables.

So why are all poker transactions in US dollars? :ermmm

14th June 2004, 12:25
Email them everyone & ask? See what wonderful responses you all get? :)

At the very least it should annoy them!!

14th June 2004, 12:35
i would rather play against the yanks at poker than thoes bloody scandanavians.

14th June 2004, 12:49

Here's their email address for anyone who wants to ask. The more the merrier as they say in our local brothel.

14th June 2004, 17:07
done - but only cos I'm bored, but no, it doesn't make much sense!

14th June 2004, 17:24
Here's my ever so polite message to them.....

Why oh why....

Can't I put any bets on the placepots etc 24 hours a day - not being funny guys, but not everyone can get access during 'working' hours.... I work in a hospital and would lose my job if I tried to use the hospital network to put bets on, and I'm out the house from 730am till 6pm.... so that buggers up any chances of doing daytime racing at all! About time you entered the 21st Century like most other online bookies!

14th June 2004, 20:42
Just got this reply from the Tote...

Dear Mr Stewart

Many thanks for your email.

An 'End Of Day' total needs to be done for the Accounts at the end of each
day and it also needs to be checked to keep it running successfully.

These 'End OF Day' account and maintenance checks are done in the early
hours of the morning to prepare it for the days racing schedule.

We apologise if this causes you any inconvenience but the system needs these
checks and they cannot be done whilst there are totepool races taking place.

14th June 2004, 21:28
...and they can't do them earlier!! Anyway, what have the previous days results got to do with the following days racing? No connection!! if they have a carry over, they can add it on later no problem, it would be a welcome surprise to bettors who discover the pool has grown :)

14th June 2004, 21:29
I think they missed the point by a long way! "End Of Day" ...what complete rubbish. The end of the day is different all around the world, surely if they are doing accounts then it would be continuous and would be best suited to be done at a time when hardly anyone is likely to use the Tote. But due to people working at different times, they can't please everyone. Still, it doesn't answer the question, does it. :censored: Doesn't really concern me as I don't use it, but feel for those who do especially those only have a set time to stake the placepot and can't because of the above reasons.

14th June 2004, 21:30
Just think, Australians have to stay up till the wee small hours to bet in the English pools!!! That looks good, and I'm sure they make the effort :doh

14th June 2004, 21:31
I would hate to see the Tote when the clocks go back/forward... God forbid what would happen if any of these so-called Accounts Experts suffered jetlag!! :doh

14th June 2004, 21:39
It seems that they don't care to get a few more punters money, but then with a 20% -ish cut of the pool money they can afford to forget them!

14th June 2004, 21:42
Looks like a standard reply BigC:

Here's mine -
An 'End Of Day' total needs to be done for the Accounts at the end of each day and it also needs to be checked to keep it running successfully.

These 'End OF Day' account and maintenance checks are done in the early hours of the morning to prepare it for the days racing schedule.

We apologise if this causes you any inconvenience but the system needs these checks and they cannot be done whilst there are totepool races taking place.


14th June 2004, 21:47
Think I'll do a nice letter to Robin Cook, always extremely helpful on racing matters.

14th June 2004, 22:09
I had a funny feeling about that Kevin.... typical bloody arrogance of an organisation that answers to nobody!

14th June 2004, 22:20
Yours wasn't from a Michael Dewsbury was it? I just asked if modern technology takes 11 hours to do these end of day reports! :)

14th June 2004, 22:32
Yep, same guy! That question should stir things up a wee bit!

14th June 2004, 23:37
GRRRR!That is certainly a stranger ending than BigC got... :doh :wink

15th June 2004, 00:08

16th June 2004, 23:46
Yours wasn't from a Michael Dewsbury was it? I just asked if modern technology takes 11 hours to do these end of day reports! :)

What a surprise, still no reply :rolleyes:

17th June 2004, 09:15
Stock brokers with less funds manage to run rolling books where a trader in Hong Kong hands over to a trader in London who hands over to a trader in New York without a hitch and can still reconcile their positions, so why can't the Tote?