View Full Version : Mouse Problems

9th July 2004, 18:05
Hello people,

Firstly there is nothing wrong with the mouse as it is practically brand new (2 months old). When I move it around the screen it moves fine, but has a tendancy to 'jump' and 'stick' in the top left hand corner. For example i'll be moving towards the clock in the bottom right or something, and whoosh it slides to the top left. Then I have to wait about a second, sometimes two, before it will move again. It's an optical mouse that isn't wireless. I have tried other mice on the PC and the same thing occurs, so I know it's not the actual mouse itself, just the set up on the PC or the way it's reading it. I've tried re-setting the orientation of it time and time again, with no joy.

Thanks guys...

9th July 2004, 18:09
Mouse driver? Tried getting a new one. Im guessing here.

9th July 2004, 18:21
No idea what kind of mouse driver I would need, there's loads...

9th July 2004, 18:36
You'll find some other software is hijacking it. Check in MSCONFIG to see what is running at startup, and try and remember what you installed when it started.

9th July 2004, 19:19
I thought that, but I formatted my PC and then installed Windows, and the mouse was dodgy then. This was before I installed Office or anything.

9th July 2004, 19:55
Is the mouse serial or USB, or what? Which Windows? It sounds like a conflict.

9th July 2004, 20:04
USB - Windows 98 First Edition

9th July 2004, 20:21
More than likely a conflict with another device then, check in CP>System>Device Manager & your mouse propeties.

Or view System Information, as that tells you of conflicts as well.

9th July 2004, 20:34
If its none of these things - you could be lifting the mouse (unconciously) and confusing the poor thing. I used to do something similar - slow down you hand movements and see if it still happens.

9th July 2004, 20:51
I tried slowing down my movements Marcus but it's still doing the same thing, just less frequently, so maybe it is getting confused somewhere along the line.

Just looked at the Device Manager and the mouse settings are fine, no conflicts found. The Interrupt Request is set to 12, whatever that means?

This isn't going too well. :(

9th July 2004, 21:02
My advice, update to ME or XP.

10th July 2004, 00:16
I had a Logitech cordless trackball which worked great and I loved it. I'm using Windows ME and the trackball was a USB connection.
Everything was fine until I added a couple of other USB devices (new printer and broadband modem plus an additional self powered USB hub to give me extra USB capability). The mouse started acting up and I asked several experts, but no-one could help. I think the main problem is the Logitech software, but it seems that Win. ME (which is basically Win. 98 souped up) has issues with USB. I tried swapping the USB connections from hub to main computer and gave up in the end. I bought an optical mini mouse with USB connection and an adapter into the old-type mouse port and that works fine, but I'd like to be able to use my old trackball again.

Anyway, my recommendations are to try plugging in to different USB ports and if that don't work, try a USB to old-type mouse plug adapter (can't remember the name of the darn thing - you know, the round type like the keyboard plug)

BTW, my motherboard is a few years old now, so that may not help. Also, most of the "experts" recommended I change to Win. XP, but I like ME, I'm used to it, have no real probs with it and don't want to change and have to sort out a load of compatability probs or suchlike.

Good Luck,

10th July 2004, 01:08
Thanks for the reply. I've just gotten rid of all the Logitech-related software on my PC, which basically is everything to do with my keyboard, and only my keyboard. I can still use it, but can't use its extra buttons such as Media and Volume buttons etc.

The mouse is now working perfectly, so there was a conflict (Cheers Keith). Going to leave it until the morning now and install just the minimal software for the keyboard off the Logitech disk. At least this way I'll have a bit of a better idea as to what's causing the actual conflict.

Thanks again,

10th July 2004, 08:13
I'm just doing the invoice for you now.... :)

10th July 2004, 10:58
Aha! So you have a Logitech keyboard. I may be wrong, but in my search for a solution to my trackball problem I looked at a few tech. support sites and I think there were people having probs with the software for the keyboard. Try the Logitech support site and/or a search. I think I bookmarked a few sites, so I'll have a look to see if I've got anything. I suspect Logitech software is a bit iffy all round!
