View Full Version : Handicapping:

2nd August 2004, 10:30
This is a major area of horse racing that I've yet to get my head round.

If anyone could suggest some online reading I'd be grateful. Lets just say my current knowledge on this area is very basic and they tend to be races I find it hard to bet on.

Thanks in advance :)

2nd August 2004, 10:35
This might be useful - from the BHB themselves


3rd August 2004, 14:35
Thanks Bampot! :)

Amazing with the wealth of knowledge on this forum that nobody can offer any more advice. Thanks people :(

3rd August 2004, 14:41
Sorry Workshy - I read the article and can safely say that ALL there is to know is in there! Didn't see much point in posting anything I could add!

3rd August 2004, 15:02
Ooooh ok, damn if thats all there is then I'm gonna struggle to find winners. :)

I thought they'd be mounds of reading on the subject.

3rd August 2004, 21:05
Oldhams right regarding the facts of the article - its all there...

The other things you could do are -

Initially concentrate on one area - for example sprints...

Analyse racecards and results - try to find pieces of form or other reasons why a particular horse won the handicap....

Look at the make-up of the handicap and try beforehand to ascertain how it will be run, who will lead, who will stay close-up and who comes from behind....

Always shortlist your handicap to 3 or 4 runners, maximum 5 - if you cant do that leave the race alone...

Select half a dozen handicappers and look at their racing history and racing patterns - how they drop and rise in the handicap - and why........

Should be enough there to do your head-in for a while...

Good Luck, Merl.

3rd August 2004, 22:44
One more thing I look for - what rating has the horse previously won at. This can occasionally help find one that has been running 'off form', usually because of the weight, but has proven ability.

3rd August 2004, 22:54
Oldham, this is real life, not RACING SIM talk here !!...lol

3rd August 2004, 23:02

Amazingly enough, it works in real life too! I just got the idea from Simming!

4th August 2004, 00:31
Cheers lads, will have a more thoughtful read tomorrow when I'm less tired & more sober. :)