View Full Version : Had some free tips

4th August 2004, 12:14
Got an e-mail from some guys saying
that they will give me free tips as long as i send
them £20 for each winning one.

Is this sort of thing normally very good.
I have seen it before, didn't do it.

Felt that i would lose out if they didn't give me peristent winners.
And being the know-all that I am thought I could choose better.

They have given me two tonight.
Bobsleigh and Mr Ed at Yarmouth.

If they win and I don't send em money they won't provide any more free tips.

What do you all reckon?

4th August 2004, 12:15
Keep your money in your pocket, no question. :)

4th August 2004, 12:17
What money :D . My wife says I have short arms and long pockets!

4th August 2004, 12:37
This sort of thing is a complete rip off....

They are in a no lose situation...the horses lose, they don't receive cash, the horses win, they do....

What do they more than likely do?
10 horses in a race.
Send 10 different emails out to say 1000 people...guaranteeing 100 winners, BINGO, guaranteed £2000

The next day, only the winning punters will be left in....soooooo they do the same again, eventually you are left with 3 or 4 people that have won EVERY day, they now think that these tipsters are the real deal....then they've got their mug punters who will pay for anything.

Don't go near them.

4th August 2004, 12:39
Never thought about it that way Mark...

that is clever though,
must give in to their ingenuity.

Will keep me money in me chastity belt though :D . Didn't like thier tips anyway!