View Full Version : Betting on Favourites

14th August 2004, 21:27
What do people think to the system of betting on favourites to win a set amount, say £50, each day? You bet on the favourite in the 1st race to win £50, if the favourite loses in the next race you bet on the favourite to win £50 plus your stake from the 1st horse and so on. As sson as a favourite wins you STOP betting for the day. At least one favourite wins everyday. I have savings of over £10000, so 'm thinking of doing this to win £100 a day. I've tried it on paper, and it's ok. If I use Betfair I can place large bets. What are peoples thoughts?

14th August 2004, 21:57
Not a fan of chasing but I can see no reason why it wont work with a large enough bank. Keith amongst others will be better to advise. :)

14th August 2004, 21:59
...At least one favourite wins everyday.
Not necessarily.

You need to do some serious research on this as the stakes can mount up VERY quickly and a really bad day could wipe out a very big bankroll.

14th August 2004, 22:18
hi craig i'm sure someone will correct me if i'm wrong but if you invest a bank of £10,000 in keiths pro-losers you will have a profit of about £20,000 a year minimun and its a bit of a rollar coaster ride but thats roughly what you'll make tax free

15th August 2004, 07:43
What do people think to the system of betting on favourites to win a set amount, say £50, each day? You bet on the favourite in the 1st race to win £50, if the favourite loses in the next race you bet on the favourite to win £50 plus your stake from the 1st horse and so on. As sson as a favourite wins you STOP betting for the day. At least one favourite wins everyday. I have savings of over £10000, so 'm thinking of doing this to win £100 a day. I've tried it on paper, and it's ok. If I use Betfair I can place large bets. What are peoples thoughts?

In one word Craig ¨SUICIDE¨

15th August 2004, 08:42
This is a simple system, you can purchase it online or many newspapers sold on the Classified sections. Many people have thought of this and tried it, yet if it was so simple and worked, wouldn't all the punters with the ability to do simple maths be doing it?

A couple of weeks back we had 30 races with no Fav winning in a row. Work that out mathematically and see if it's worth investing £1,000's to win a few quid, as you'll more than likely be backing at 1/100 or worse at some point. You could always eat the money, less risk, same result!!

You'll find all the advice on Win2Win to need to turn Pro, it's all a matter of how the individual decides to use it.

18th August 2004, 18:25
Ive recently started having a bet on the g gs and the system im using is to back a horse that won its last race. If you have 2 horses in the race that both won their last race then back the 1 that won the most recent. I had 7 out of 12 winners to-day.

18th August 2004, 18:40
Well done today Royblue, but stop now, statistically you will lose bigtime in the long run. Its been said before if you join this club you Will profit long term, I have just gone over the past 10 years results for all the systems Win2Win members use, Worst year was 249 points profit, best over 700 points, the rest between around 350 and 550 every year. Hope you dont mind me posting this Kieth. All that is without doing the Pro-Lays. No Brainer really.

Eg, Take 1pt as being 100 pounds, worst year 25 grand profit. Best year over 70 grand profit, probably averages around 40 to 45 grand a year. Most tipsters in the papers will promise this, I doubt any deliver the goods.

18th August 2004, 19:51
Why I should mind? It's all of you who run the place, I just supply the gunpowder. :)

(I can here SO19 getting a message for that comment via the CIA as I type :yikes: )

18th August 2004, 23:49
Watch out Keith, you may get Bodie and Doyle turning up in a Capri outside your house....

22nd August 2004, 13:19
Hi all. I have just withdrawn a big chunk of my winnings from Paddy Power. I have left in a bank of 2k.
Now, I think I would like to do an experiment. I will invest this 2k in following a system recommended by everyone on the forum. It has to be a win system as I can`t lay on a PP. I would like serious advice with some evidence to back up and/or good reasons. I thnk everyone on the forum has a very very good knowledge and experience of systems and will put that to the test. If I start when I have had plenty of info to help me decide, I will put up my details here form day to day.. see where I am in a week/month/3 months/6 months/year.
And if it isn`t a system available with explanation on W2W please post how I follow it.
If you can any of you be bothered with this of course !
thanks, friends :hearty

22nd August 2004, 13:30

22nd August 2004, 13:38
Media F/c and Decent Odds systems on the members page have produced a profit EVERY year for the last 10 years - Can't think of a better one just offhand!

22nd August 2004, 13:52
WHY :yikes: mARCUS ?

26th August 2004, 18:39
I've decided a better system may be to lay the favourite to lose instead of backing it. Again aim to win £100 on 1st race if you lose then lay the fav in next race to win 100 plus your stake from 1st race. keep going until you win (fav loses) this probably won't take as long as backing the fav.

26th August 2004, 18:56
PLEASE be careful and do some more research on this. If anything, this is more dangerous than backing them as you are effectively laying odds greater than evens on most occasions. Your stakes will grow faster and losses will be greater!

26th August 2004, 18:58
It was how I felt after I read your post susan.

26th August 2004, 19:04
Craig, I personally think you're mad. Say you lay 3 winning 2/1 favs in a row.

Next fav is say 4/1, you're looking at a liability of your bank already!!! Thats how easy you could lose over £10k.

Why not set your targets lower and go for a more steady approach as opposed to the high risk, quick way to the poor house that you're talking about.

Haste & Greed will cost you dear, I'm speaking from experience.

26th August 2004, 19:05
Just to warn you craig-there have been days where nearly every favorite won.

26th August 2004, 19:09
I've decided a better system may be to lay the favourite to lose instead of backing it. Again aim to win £100 on 1st race if you lose then lay the fav in next race to win 100 plus your stake from 1st race. keep going until you win (fav loses) this probably won't take as long as backing the fav.

Very scary! lets say for instance the average fav is 2/1, you are in effect backing at 1/2 - liability of £200 - it wins the race - now you are trying to win £300 - liability £600 - it wins again - now you're down £800 and trying to win £900 so if the next one is 2/1 again you're now talking about a liability of £1800 within 3 races.... what if it wins too.. or what of the odds are 4/1 making your liability £3600 :yikes:

I'd very strongly advise against this otherwise I may be buying the big issue off you in a few weeks!

26th August 2004, 23:47

As Oldham has twice advised you - you need to do research on this...

There are plenty of free sites on the www that will provide you with statistics etc on favourites...

But as a pre-cursor look at the stats for non-handicap favourites - and use the exchanges to get the best possible price - also do some research on which tracks are best etc...

In the coming months there will be lots of short priced favourites during the NH season - if you select the right ones to bet - thats great, the wrong ones though will prove costly.

Good luck,

27th August 2004, 10:11
You can get a years membership on here for £360 (£payable in 12 monthly installments :) ).

If you can't make that back with a bank of £10000 you might as well go and buy a yacht! :D

Just doing the Pro-Losers I turned £100 into nearly £5000 in under a year and still going strong and thats at a very low risk compared to the alternatives you're considering (not to mention the emotional highs and lows and team spirit among the layers "upstairs" in the members forum). You really have stumbled across the one site that can help you make the most of your dosh. Even the free systems will make you more.

31st August 2004, 01:37
Craig, the regular members of this forum would love to have a spare ten grand to invest in their favorite sport ( quite a few well on their way to it anyway ), all the hard works been done for you, every avenue you go down someone in this club has already explored, all the new ones are genuine plans carfully thought out, if you would really like to make some money long term then join in mate. Ten grand should be able to see a nice wage being deducted before long. Most of us are in a catch 22 situation where we have to go to work and pay big bills and dont get the time we need to make the money we know we can make, save up for the betting bank, pay the bills, cover the costs of living while we build a nice bank up, believe me if you blew it on some daft plan youd be gutted when you know what can be realy achieved.

31st August 2004, 02:06
Ten grand bank on Pro-Losers now worth 30 grand this year.
Members Jock Trainer system on a 1% bank now worth 30 grand.
NH Info system on 3% bank now worth 25 grand.
Media sytem on 3% now worth over 32 grand.

And theres more. Fancie that every year low risk?
Probably worth more, above calculations done without adjusting bank to increases.
Forget your chasing winners and losers, no need to mate.

31st August 2004, 08:24
Favourites have a 65% losing chance, the Pro-Losers have around a 86% losing chance, and can still throw up 5 winners in a row!!

1st September 2004, 18:02
Hey im new here but i know the system your talking about but i think the person you got the information from only gave you half the story.
Ive a friend who is a maths lecturer and he told me the proper formula.

What you do is you pick some third rate meeting. One that the major jockies avoid it doesnt get any tv coverage and not a lot of the big trainers have horses entered.
Then you decide how much you want to win each day. You then go to the first race and back the favourite at the amount needed to make your profit for the day. If it wins walk away and come back tomorrow cause you have won your required amount. If not go to the second race and put enough on the favourite to make your profit for the day and cover your loss from the first race. If the horse wins thats you done for the day and come back tomorrow. If the horse doesnt win you go to the third race and back the favourite to make your profit and cover your loss from the first and second race, if the horse wins well done and go home, if not you go home and come back tomorrow.
The next day you pick another out of the way meeting and follow the same steps, but dont try and cover your loss from the first day.

The reasoning behind this is, if you pick an out of the way meeting the favourite is normally favourite to win the race, unlike at epsom or the bigger races where horses are less predictable and the favourite maybe isnt the best horse there. The reason for this is mathematically speaking the chances of a favourite not winning 1 of the first 3 races at an out of the way meeting is statistically in your favour. Ive checked it out over a number of weeks and it is true

1st September 2004, 18:18
Strange, all meetings are on TV & all 'big' trainers run were the opportunity for a winner exists.

Mathematically correct - Yes. Financially viable - No.

If it was that easy, the bookmakers wouldn't exist. This is tried by many 'beginners' who think they have found the pot of gold, but pro-punter wouldn't go near it. That should tell you something.

1st September 2004, 20:22
Grade C and above are usually more reliable for very good reasons, because they have shown they are reliable beasts, the form is more pradictable, the higher you go the more reliable the form, also more competetive. I,l stop trying to sound like I know what im talking about now, I just thought this was pretty basic. Which ever way you look at it the system you were looking at is crap whether you use E or Group 1 races. :wink

21st September 2004, 17:36
Newmarket today, all races were won by favs, one race a joint fav. Ooo