View Full Version : Outlook & Blueyonder Webmail

18th September 2004, 13:10
I have a Blueyonder mail account that I had set up to download to Outlook on my other PC but I can't get it working on the new PC I have built.

I have checked all the settings for the SMTP and POP3 services. When I hit Send/Receive in Outlook it connects and says it is downloading message 1 of X but it eventually times out with a message delivery error "A timeout occurred while communicating with the server. (Account: 'pop3.blueyonder.co.uk', POP3 server: 'pop3.blueyonder.co.uk, Error Number: 0x800ccc19)."

Anyone any ideas what is wrong? I can view my mail online but I prefer to download it all off the server and to use Outlook

18th September 2004, 13:29
They have been doing some maintenance on the email system, but this should have been resolved by early evening yesterday. Can you send email?

If you can send, check any spellings, look for commas where dots should be etc. in the pop settings.

18th September 2004, 13:34
Good idea, I'll have a go at sending mail.

I had this working the other day on this PC :doh

18th September 2004, 13:35
If all else fails, try setting up an imap connection. The server is: imap4.blueyonder.co.uk

However, if you use this method, don't forget to log in occasionally to the webmail to delete unwanted emails - imap leaves a copy on the server!

19th September 2004, 16:10
Finally got this working now http://www.win2winracing.com/forum/images/smilies/smile.gif

I e-mailed Blueyonder through their website and they suggested removing virus checking on my incoming mail and a few other things. That didn't work but getting rid of Norton AV and Norton Internet Security did. http://www.win2winracing.com/forum/images/smilies/smile.gif

Symantec don't make things easy though do they! I had to remove NAV and NIS by following manual removal instructions as they wouldn't remove themselves through Windows Add/Remove Programs ;fire. They are still appearing in that list though, anyone know how to delete them from there?

20th September 2004, 23:19
If you're comfortable working with your Registry then the following should solve it for you...if you're NOT comfortable then ignore the next paragraph or you might cause dire problems to the successful running of your PC.

Look in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall
You should be able to spot the names of the programs that are listed in Add/Remove Programs, e.g. Norton AV and NIS. If you can't see the names, check out the numerical values and on the right-hand pane you should see references to the programs. Just delete the relevant subkeys and they should disappear from your list.

I believe that Win98 and XP installation disks still have copies of the PowerToys - this can also be used to delete spurious Add/Remove Programs. If not, do a search for Powertoys and you should find the link to download it from Microsoft.