View Full Version : Photoshop

20th September 2004, 22:44
The wife got a fancy dan digital camera (SLR type thing) piccies look great on the screen but file size is HUGE. What can I do in photoshop or similar to make it smaller to send to people by e-mail.

Any fast help would be much appreciated as there is a granny waiting for a picture of her Grandaughter

20th September 2004, 22:49
You can use Irfan View (it's a freebie) to shrink the size and file size - save as a JPG and adjust the amount of compression to suit - too much makes it blocky, too little and the file size is still too big - a great wee program, and no spyware!


20th September 2004, 23:00
Nice one matey, giving it a try now.

20th September 2004, 23:26
No need to physically "resize" the pics - if you have the option, just change the resolution to something more manageable. Most monitors are happiest displaying pics at 72 dots per inch whereas if you want to print them out, 150 dots per inch should suffice. It's only when you get into the realms of professional four-colour printing that you need to bump the resolution up any higher but even then 300 dots per inch will do the trick.

Don't go wild on the jpg compression either - try to stay within the 80/20 % split (e.g. 20% compression/80% detail) and you'll find this makes a dramatic difference to the filesize with no noticable difference to the picture quality.

20th September 2004, 23:46
TVM, a very happy granny just got off the phone!

21st September 2004, 00:08
Ahhh, a happy granny...and I nearly forgot, congratulations to you too.

21st September 2004, 08:44
In Photoshop on the left menu, just use the "Save for Web...." option.

By the way, what colour is the baby, we just want to be sure President Robert Mugabe wasn't nipping around for tea while you were at work :laugh

21st September 2004, 20:47
How do you know I'm not black, colonial dog! :laugh

21st September 2004, 21:21
:laugh Apologies Mr Jackson