View Full Version : Where Am I Going Wrong

broke stu
2nd October 2004, 16:26
Hey well i am new to this site , but i have been backing horses for a few months now , i dont have no systema n couldnt figger one out if i wanted one .I just try and see a horse performance on previous races an take a chance an i often lose.Is it actually possible to make a living from betting .

Also any advice or tips or help on setting up a system would be greatly appreciated.

as always,

broke stu

2nd October 2004, 16:51
Hello Stu, youve come to the right place, it is possible to make money if you dont to become a millionaire overnight, once you get into this club youll see there a plenty of ways to go about it and loads of sound advice, plenty in this club buiding some nice banks up.

2nd October 2004, 16:53
The very best advice anyone on here will give you Stu, is to join the members club to get access to the best of Keith's systems, including the pro-losers (lays) - in a couple of years you couls turn £200 into £8000, just by following them alone, as has been shown by Tophatter. The other systems all do pretty well long term, and if you don't profit from doing them all, you must be doing something wrong - it's all about discpline and not deviating from the rules - do the systems and no 'fun bets'! You also get access to the members only part of the forum with advice from Keith himself and the other members on systems and staking plans for them - it's all there for you! :)

2nd October 2004, 17:07
MAIN RULE : GET A MEMBERSHIP ASAP, you're missing out on profit which you could me making instead of losing money! It's only £30 notice i use the word only. If i told you that before i paid my first £30 a month ago i regarded £30 a month as quiet a high amount of money, now my mind has completely changed i only done a system for half a month and it's already paid for over 10 times my membership, although this isn't guarenteed to happen with you in the long term £30 will be like dropping a penny in the street, only thing is this £30 won't sound and you will not hear it at all, that's how insignificant it REALLY IS!!!

1. Take the systems one at a time and get them sorted then move on either start with the pro-lays if you don't mind risking up to and more than say £50-£100 a day...

2. Use some of the backing systems if you're looking for a longer term income; although the lays are long term also they tend to provide a more "efficient" income. However if you like backing then do that

3. Get your betfair.com and your betting banks separated, use an excel spreadsheet to monitor how the different banks are doing NOT how the overall betfair.com account is doing

4. STOP all method betting, believe me i DO know it's dificult but for every "fun" bet you have you are wasting the potential money you could put onto the lays or the backing systems, think of the percentages aswell

5. ASK loads of questions if you're unsure about anything, i'm no person to talk but you should 1st read through every piece of text on this site if possible and really get to grips with that it's meaning. But because i am who i am certain bits were dificult for me, if you find you don't understand something then ask someone, not me but someone experienced.

6. Enjoy your massive percentage increase in 3 years time, to be honest i also wanted a quick, short, fast and get rich quick idea. Although as the members will know september lays and todays lays are just doing so well you'd think it was just that a GET RICH QUICK SCHEME. BUT IT'S NOT think of your money as being in a 720 day notice account and you can't withdraw your money unless you give notice of that period. Therefore even if you want to withdraw your bank the day after you start U CAN'T!! :wiggle:

Also try and get something to take the stress and risk away off your mind, i had over £300 resting on horses today, if you think that's a too much then there are easy ways to make sure that YOUR betting MATCHS U not the other way around. If you think that £300 is not enough then maybe you don't need to be here at all, or if u do you shouldn't need to be asking these types of questions :wink

2nd October 2004, 17:08
Simple, you just have to figure out how to win more than you lose. System bets, a consistant method of selecting bets to bet on, show how to do this.

The most important rule to making money 'Treat gambling as a business'. So first understand what a business is how it functions and do the same with betting.

Alternativly join the Win2win members - KEEP STRICTly TO THE RULEs -and all the hard work has been done for you.

2nd October 2004, 17:13
Tom you forgot rule number 7. which is???

2nd October 2004, 17:14
Tom a members Pro winner just went in at 21 on Betfair, think about it old son....

2nd October 2004, 17:16
I don't see the winner? :D

And as for rule number 7, i can only imagine it's..... make sure you pay homage to Keith on a regular basis, and don't annoy the members by asking them lots and lots of questions Ooo :ermmm


2nd October 2004, 17:19
No, In fact ask as many questions as you like, but take the advice on board.

Rule number 7 is never play the chess market in-running! :)

2nd October 2004, 17:20
Tom you forgot rule number 7. which is???

Don't bet on CHESS !!!??

Welcome Broke Stu....everything is available here for you to make a success. Echoing TWM's comments about thinking £30 is a lot for the first month, it's actually only £20 for your first month....if you don't make that back then you haven't followed the rules.

You need go no further than W2W, but don't think you'll get rich overnight, it's a long haul, but the pot of gold can definately be at the end of the W2W rainbow if you stick to the rules. I've increased 3 x Pro Losers banks by over 1000% since June....which high street bank will do that ???

Good luck,

2nd October 2004, 17:23
Don't bet on anything other than what Keith tells you to bet on, everyone in the members section knows that i've made a stupid loss on chess, costing me 10% of my initial bank!

thank you for reminding me TH ;fire :uoyurs :ass1

Don't mention Chess there's a good rule, in fact i've made that many mistakes anything anyone says would be a condeming of my betting styles, which it has to be said are completely and totally uniquely stupid! lol

2nd October 2004, 17:26
You are a good sport Tom, nice to see you take the legpulling in good humour. Please make sure you keep posting even after your lager has arrived and you are on your tenth can - that will be something to look forward to! :)

2nd October 2004, 17:32
I'm a relax sophisticated drinker, :D , i know when i've had enough and i know when i haven't had enough

I've got a laptop so i'm ok, i'll be able to sit on the toilet with my wireless router supporting the internet, and post from dawn till dusk, as i'm sure i'm going to an all you can eat indian or chinease sometime next week.. Can's and a good curry, i won't know where to put myself lol Ooo

See even if i'm in the bathroom all day i can still place all the bets i need to BRILLIANT! I'm also away tommorrow aswell so i can't place any bets tommorrow that's a shame, i'm going kayaking or rather to be correct canoeing, hopefully not in the same situation described above otherwise that would cause a lot of fun! :wink

Tom Lowes

2nd October 2004, 17:41
I've got a laptop so i'm ok, i'll be able to sit on the toilet with my wireless router supporting the internet, and post from dawn till dusk

Im sure im not the only one feeling a little disturbed at that scenario :puke

broke stu
2nd October 2004, 17:47
I seen that someone says pay the £20,if only i had that i would pay i have however payed the £1,75 for a day access prob the wrong option im betting ,lol.so then i see someone say only bet on horses that keith tells us to,so basically i pay my £20 and sit back n let keith do all the work , but that doesnt sound rite to me ,lol.ok if i can manage to scrape £20 together will there be members willing to help me either advise me on how to make my own system,tell me of a system or any other related matters.??

thanks so much for replies so far i am taking it all on board ,ut pls bare with me as i am totally new but trying.ty

broke stu always

2nd October 2004, 17:52
Once in the Member's area you just need to search for every post by THEWEBMASTER and you'll discover every conceivable question ever asked about gambling :bnk

2nd October 2004, 18:11
yeah Win2Win's right

Anyway i would first consider whether or not you have enough to support a decent betting bank?

because what's the use of having the selections from keith for you to place if you don't have the money to place them. Save up a bit and take you're "month" members section when you have enough money to seriouly support a real betting bank, otherwise the bank might go - (cough cough "Like the media f/c fav and the double top are for me!") and you might lose faith WHICH would me TERRIBLE.

What you should do is save a bit, save a bit more then buy the months membership and begin laying the pro-losers one at a time, to a maximum liability of about 2% of your betting bank, that's right isn't it keith TH ??

2nd October 2004, 18:15
Nearly Tom, But with the pro losers we tend to lay to a higher liability first to build up our banks. Tom is right though if you can get together a bank of say £100.00 then the Pro-losers will get you going and within 3 months you will be flying. Lots of advice dotted around the site in both the member section and the free section re system betting, staking plans etc so have a look round

broke stu
2nd October 2004, 18:19
ok thank you is there anything else i can use on here to say make low bets of say, £3 a day to get me goin in the rite direction?

2nd October 2004, 18:20
I suggested 2% because if this person is struggling EXSACTLY like i was about say ... 15 days ago, to get £30 for the months membership with a small enough bank broke stu might be able to start making money with a smaller bank but also he'll be giving himself a small growth MASSIVE security i mean the difference between 2% and 5% (my liability but not for much longer) would mean a bit more of the money isn't lost and the bank doesn't completely get used up either.

Allowing broke stu to leave the lays if he feels they're too risky for him, however also remember that we're going through a winning run at the moment in the lays (shh don't say it too loud) therefore broke-stu will probably be joining right smack bang in the middle of the losing run or bad days. thinking exsactly what i would do in his position with the very little experience i have, but i try to put experience to good use.

2nd October 2004, 18:24
make low bets of say, £3 a day to get me goin

I suppose it might be possible for you to put £3 a day on the MAX bets however i'm not sure how many of those bets would actually make you a profit, as that's a long term system. I think what might be perfect for you would be perfect level stakes of 50p on the false lays in my opinion because there are very few a day and they're providing a good profit according to their stats Although they're only available to members at the moment might be worth the £1.50 a day on the false lays?

really you'd be better of saving your £3 and making it into a £100 bank or even £50 as this gives you a BIG welter of an amount to percentage up and really start moving with the pro-lays.

Tom Lowes

broke stu
2nd October 2004, 18:27
thank you all i just sitting here trying to figger it all out and to b honest i dont have a clue ,lol. well atleast im honest,i shall try for a few more hrs if i still cant understand all this talk then im afraid i shall b perhaps one of the many quiters that probably pass frew here.

broke stu, i think i'll always b broke

2nd October 2004, 18:31
"Ooo"pps Ooo Ooo Ooo Ooo Ooo

I think i've confused brokestu, brokestu ignore what i said before i was trying to convince top hatter why i'd said 2% liability

DON'T PASS THROUGH PLEASE!!!!! I would never forgive myself because you've passed a massive opportunity up, it's going to cause me sleepless nights me knowing that you're giving money to the bookies holiday fund "trademark of keith". Can you please just ask kieth by a personal message what he recommends or on a post, you must not pass this up!!!
It will make you a profit if you follow the rules there is loads of help here and we're/they're here nearly 24hr's to help you as much as possible.

broke stu
2nd October 2004, 18:37
Hi tom ,see the problem is im disabled unable to work ,owe money to bailiffs , and have spent hundreds or maybe more on wat i thought i cud get some cash to be able to lead a good life,i think all my confidence has gone totally as before when i heard all these other ways to get extra cash just seem to blow up in my face an i was left standing worse off,now i dont feel nothing where as i want to b excited at the possibility of getting a few extra £'s. if any one would like to chat to me easier i wont post yet as i dont know if we can give out yim addresses or msn adresses let me know if we can and if u think u can help.

broke stu 4eva

2nd October 2004, 18:42
No m8 give the address and perhaps anyone on here who's maybe a little bit more up-to-date can help you, i'll add your address and because i WAS in your EXSACT position literally about 18 days ago i think from the 17/09/2004 anyway

I know what mistakes you'll make/have made already
and can in a way provide you with the more "emptional" side however my mathematics side is also improving so i'm getting definately to grips with the pro-lays and i've just sorted and performed my first real bets with the media f/c fav and doubletop system


2nd October 2004, 18:47
you should not really post messenger details, to protect you as much as anyhting. Put them in your profile instead, there are fields for yahoo msn, icq and aol i think

broke stu
2nd October 2004, 18:49
oops sorry .

broke stu

2nd October 2004, 18:51
no worries Stu, its just to protect you from spam monkeys like the joker who was on earlier :)

2nd October 2004, 18:56
I will edit them out now Stu as Tom should have your details.

I suggest you stock up on energy bars and lots of canned food because i fear you may be in for a long night(s) :)

broke stu
2nd October 2004, 18:58
rite wat i now need to learn is a system of getting myself some cash ,from a little bank.if i was to pik the fav horse from a race everyday and placed £3 on it i wonder what would happen.?
well i think i know the answer to that alreay i would prob be better off playing the lottery.so now i need to figger out a better way of piking a horse shud i bung the whole £3 on 1 horse or shud i pik 3 races an put a £1 on each decisions decisions.


broke stu
2nd October 2004, 18:59
i dont care how long im here aslong as its worth it an profitable.


2nd October 2004, 19:00
neither. 10% max on any bet. You will lose the £3 within 5 bets otherwise and that is if you do well

broke stu
2nd October 2004, 19:02
this is just getting more n more confusing,how much longer can i keep at this.


broke stu
2nd October 2004, 19:03
<<im too dumb to understand


broke stu
2nd October 2004, 19:04
well that was weird above message shud say " im just too dumb"

2nd October 2004, 19:12
The best advice I can give you Stu is to contact your Citizens Advice Bureau - they will be able to help you check you are getting all the benefits you are entitled to and will probably be able to assist you in keeping the bailiffs off your back.

You probably shouldn't be gambling at all until you get this sorted out.

broke stu
2nd October 2004, 19:14
ok if anyone can help me pls message me on yim or msn as i am off searching more sites to try figger sommit out.

stu always broke

2nd October 2004, 19:21
Stu...there is no need to search any other sites....you have arrived at your destination.

All the help you will ever need is here.

Take Oldhams advice above though....CAB can certainly help you out no end

2nd October 2004, 19:21
best of luck Stu. Oldham is dead right, try and sort your problems out before gambling. Gambling can't get you out of trouble, if you start when in trouble you end up in even more.

2nd October 2004, 19:58
I have been erm studying racing and gambling for about two years and there is still a lot to learn. The most important thing is to get your problems under control first.

You can not rely on betting to get you out of trouble. That would require a very large amount of luck.

When facing what seemed imposible debts. I sorted them out by getting the problems out of my head on onto a piece of paper. Now the paper had my problems not my head. Then you need to find out what you are owed and what help you can get from the government. After you have a full picture of your situation - What your income is and what you spend money on you should be able to get some sort of balance worked out. If you can't get that sorted in your current situation then -ALWAYS HAVE HOPE- and find ways to change your situation. There are lots of things in this world and people willing to help those who SHOW that they are willing put the work in at helping themselves.

It is possible to make money from gambling BUT you don't know when or wether it will last. That bit requires LOTS and LOTS of work and a fatlalistic confidence that it will suceed.

6th October 2004, 10:53
2 points:

1- Stu, there is nothing wrong with sitting back and letting Keith do the work, the thing is to learn from the staking advice and the selections given, there is a lot more to gambling than picking winners and having some trustworthy and profitable systems to practice on is an excellent start. I used to be a fairly small stakes fun gambler but am now used to liabilities of over £10000 / day. The psychology is very important to get right. Anyway, you would soon find out that its not that easy even with his help.

2- "No fun bets". Can I add, don't drink, don't smoke, eat wholegrain tofu. Lighten up people, as long as they are to minimal stakes and are kept under control, why not have a bit of FUN? :wiggle:

6th October 2004, 11:09
It's OK to have ''fun" bets once your are making a profit, you have 110% control over your betting, all accounts are kept, and you understand the maths, but for average Joe Punter, every bet is a 'fun' bet, and these are constantly losing money.

My 'fun' bets on the other hand are profitable.

Until you reprogram your habits, you have to STOP and start again with a different pychology.

6th October 2004, 11:35
In my humble opinion, any winning bet is a fun bet :D (Which the false lays definately weren't yesterday, but what a run before that!!!)

10th October 2004, 10:12
Hi to all
Is the members area on here really that good? I am a gambler and have profited from the past but always seem to let myself down with in dicipline. What bank would I need to start with to make reasonable weekly profiits?
I really need to get my dicipline sorted and go for small consistent profit rather than pushing for the big one. I have access to funds it's just knowing the right amount to start with.
Having read some of the posts on here you all seem a good bunch interested in helping everyone profit - which can only be good.
Thanks Phil

10th October 2004, 10:27
Hi Phil, and welcome to the forum. Yes, the members area of the forum and website is really that good, lots of profitable systems, and tons of great advice both from the man himself,and the members doing the systems - we have quite a few doing the pro losers and they are making a steady month on month profit on them - after a couple of years you would be looking at enough to give you a decent second income - but only if you stick to the rules and staking plans, which is the stumbling block for most folk who fail to make it work!

There are no guarantees in this game, but I'd be very surprised if you didn't make your first month's membership back within a week of joining.... :)

10th October 2004, 10:29
Hi Phil,

I think most people on here will agree - the right amount to start with is an amount you can afford to lose. This is not a pessimistic view, it's all part of the discipline needed to succeed in this game - Rule 1 - NEVER bet with money you cannot afford to lose. The site owner is a professional and site fees are used to improve the site and not to line the owners pockets. The selections posted on the members page are what Keith is making a living from! There is also a members only section of the forum - affectionately known as 'upstairs' and is limited to monthly members - this area has massive amounts of information to help you to begin turning a consistent profit from backing and laying horses.

As I am listed as one of the moderators, you may think I'm trying to hype it up, so I'll leave it to the rest of the members to confirm this. Welcome to the forum - have a good look round and enjoy.

10th October 2004, 10:37
Thanks I think I had already convinced myself but just needed a push! I like the sound of the idea of "going upstairs". Sounds quite sinister like if you step out of line you'll get a beating! - or is that just me being weird.
Anyway I shall subsribe and see you upsatirs! :) :)

10th October 2004, 10:45
Hi Phil,

Discipline is the one thing that everybody 'upstairs' tries to instill into each other.

Using Keiths members systems you can and will profit, but only if 100% discipline is adhered to. I was a bugger for ill discipline, I learnt the hard way, and am now showing a huge profit on 3 betting banks over the last 5-6 months. (all 3 are between 500%+ and 1075%+)

If you have any Q's when you arrive 'upstairs'....just fire away and there'll be plenty of help or suggestions given.

All the best,

10th October 2004, 10:52
...you'll get a beating! - or is that just me being weird.
Only if you're really naughty :laugh

10th October 2004, 10:55
Oh, yeah that's the catch about going 'upstairs' the erm, humour is shall we say 'different'..... :wink :D

10th October 2004, 11:06
Ok i've joined but am being a bit dense. Where do I click to get into the members area?

10th October 2004, 11:09
Have you sent the email to ask Keith to upgrade your forum status?

10th October 2004, 11:12
That'll be it then

10th October 2004, 11:16
Click the 30 day member button in the right-hand menu on the main Win2Win page, ow go directly to it via your www.btclickandbuy.com account