View Full Version : Scientific American

10th October 2004, 16:33
This is my kind of magazine: http://www.sciam.com

Contains lots of astronomy and scientific-related information, the website is good but I prefer the printed magazine.

It's not for everybody, but have a gander. :hearty

10th October 2004, 23:17
Didn,t like this one, it wouldn,t let me exit..... :mad: :mad:

10th October 2004, 23:17
Strange..... :fizz

11th October 2004, 10:20
Prefer New Scientist myself, although for those of you interested in science but at a slightly more accessible level I would recommend Focus magazine.

11th October 2004, 17:56
New Scientist is a more British-focussed magazine of the same category, another one I like to read.

11th October 2004, 18:36
Used to read both of them when I worked in Scotland as our consultans had subs for them. Still occasionally get NS - both very good mags.

11th October 2004, 18:41
our consultans had subs for them. Still occasionally get NS - both very good mags.
Didn't know you were in the Navy BC. :D
And yes, it is a very good site, very interesting. :)