View Full Version : Just joined

12th October 2004, 12:24
Hi all, I'm new here and I'm just waiting for my members forum access to be activated. Great forum btw. I only have a very limited experience of horse racing and I'd never heard of 'laying' until I found this site. I plan to start with a bank of around £500, does that sound reasonable? Also, can someone please point me in the right direction for when I get to go upstairs as I'm not sure what to expect.

I'm glad to see that you guys don't seem to mind newcomers asking questions... I will no doubt have loads for you!

Cheers, Ben. :peek

12th October 2004, 12:28
Thats a fairly good starting bank by any standards.

Once you are upstairs all will become clear and you will be pointed in the direction of the Pro-Losers with a staking plan or 12. Loads of great systems and tons more advice waiting for you!

12th October 2004, 12:41
Your in now, enjoy :)

12th October 2004, 14:22
Thanks for the replies

14th October 2004, 11:41
I've also just joined and am looking forward to playing in the secret chamber. Where is it...?


14th October 2004, 12:30
turn right at the dungeon, 100 yards past the horse dung and you will see a bright light under the door. go through the door and OH MY GOD!

14th October 2004, 12:44

Hey :anger ,

That's my house! :D

14th October 2004, 13:02
Should be done by 1:05pm

The Handicapper
30th October 2004, 03:44
Hi Ben,

Im new myself.
Ref your laying bank of £500.00
Personally i would say, study a type of race e.g. handicaps and when you
have the knowledge of it in the sense wherby you are confident that a given
selection in your opinion has a poor chance of winning then and only then
go ahead and lay it.
as for the lay prices go for the shortest ones you can find, for if you lay say
a horse at around 4.5 or 5.3 etc and it wins, it won't take long before your
laying bank will be broken. ( im not trying to be clever, i do hope that i have
made some sense in what i have said, good luck )
