View Full Version : Mp3 player

14th October 2004, 00:21
Does anybody have one of these? How do they work and are they pratical? Im asking coz Im thinking of buying my sister one and as she is a good few years younger than me (she is 18) im worried I might buy her something "uncool". She loves music but has all the things like CD player and mini disc player but not one of these things but like i say i have no idea about them and dont want to get ripped off

14th October 2004, 08:32
If you're feeling generous you'll have to get one with a built in hard drive - more expesnive but can store thousands of tracks instead of just a CD's worth.

14th October 2004, 08:57
I got my son one on Ebay for around £40 (64MB, and don't buy any from China or HK, UK only), and it keeps him happy. Depends how many songs you want though, 64MB, 128MB, or 256MB usually as much as £100.

The hard drive MP3's are around £300.

I think you can store around 20-30 songs on a 64MB



14th October 2004, 09:57
i treated myself to an ipod with my xmas bonus last year, not the new model the original one with the chrome base ( niiiice) its brill, esp as i have a mac, but it works on pc too. I take it everywhere, esp when i need to chill down at lunchtime after a crappy morning.. :)

Get a player, whatever one you choose you'll love it