View Full Version : greyhound system

17th October 2004, 18:13
anyone know any good greyhound systems??

17th October 2004, 18:30
There have been a few systems mentioned on here in the past, but they've been of the scary staking plan type - doubling up stakes, that sort of thing. We tend to shoot them down rather quickly as they're a surefire way to the poorhouse! To be honest if you're after decent betting systems, you'd be best having a good look through the racing system threads as we have a few decent ones on the go there. If that whets your appetite, join the members and get access to even more systems and advice on staking plans. Welcome to the forum! :)

17th October 2004, 18:37
many thanks mate

18th October 2004, 14:09
Me and a friend spent about 6 months last year trying to come up with any type of system for dogs. We tried so many different things, mostly paper betting, but did try a few for real. The hardest thing is to get a decent strike rate and a staking system to go with it as the dogs odds are generally so stingy. The best we came up with and had a modicum of success with but by no means failsafe was this.

This was a bit time consuming but was by far the most successful.

Look at the racecard (willhill do them online for those they have betting on). Only do this on races that have full information for all dogs, i.e info for last five races at same distance for each dog, if one or more dogs doesn't have that much info leave the race alone. Now rank the second best time of each dog in their last five races, so you might have this.....

Trap1 = 28.76
2 = 28.89
3 = 28.95
4 = 28.65
5 = 29.02
6 = 28.86

Now allocate points accordingly from 6 down to 1; so Trap 4 with the best 'second best time' would get 6 points, down to Trap 5 getting 1 point with the slowest 'second best time'.

Then average the start times (the time to the line first time- appears on the left of the racecard). Average for each dog and again rank them from 6 for lowest average down to 1 point for worst average.

Ok so then you will have a points total for each dog, ranging from a possible maximum 12 down to a worst case 2.

From our many trials with this at various courses the best results were coming from naturally enough those dogs who had 12 points. In particular though if one dog has 12 or 11 points and the next nearest is at least 2 back, ie' 12 to 10, or 11 to 9 then this was getting a decent hit rate of about 30 odd percent.

The problem was trying to get a staking system to go with it being that you will naturally get those long losing runs. We tried the martingale system on paper which was fine until the losing run when it then became frightening! What was nice though is that is was finding 4 and 5/1 winners and very often we were finding if the bookmaker favourite was not one of the three highest points scorers on the system it rarely won.

Feel free to play with that but again use money on it at your own risk!

18th October 2004, 19:46
something to ponder over
