View Full Version : New Bets Update

17th October 2004, 21:03
The old style MAX bets have gone to make way for the new 'A+' bets. These use a different selection technique, and are all part of my evolving betting habits.

They are still selected through race watching, and form reading, but are a lower SR, around 40%, but they show higher profits.

18th October 2004, 00:23
where are you giving these out keith members or free?

18th October 2004, 08:20
Both, same as the way Max bets were given out.

18th October 2004, 14:16
great start with the a+ fait le jojo wins easily @2.3 :D thanks keith

18th October 2004, 14:19
Couldn't get mine on due to Betfair problems.