View Full Version : Internet connection trouble!!!

27th October 2004, 10:29
I was on the Virgin pay-as-you-use internet thingy
and everything was working fine!

Almost 2 weeks ago, I decided that I would be better off under
the Virgin 247 thingy, where you pay £17-99 a onth for unlimited use!

Two days later, my connection stopped working!

Sometimes it dials and connects but it is very very slow!
Often disconnecting itself a little while later!

Other times it just doesbn't connect.

I definitely have a dial tone!

My ISP have been through all their proceedures and can't fix it,
They say it is all working perfectly at their end!

My computer people IQON, who charge a £1 a minute for calls,
say my modem is working fine and that is not the problem.

My ISP said i should phone BT and see if they can trace any line interference.

BT said it was all fine and they couldn't see any problems.

The number I am dialling is correct!
My modem is okay!

Does anyone know what could be wrong!
Who should be my next port of call, BT, Virgin or IQON!!!!!?????

Anyone... please!!

27th October 2004, 10:30
Perhaps try a new modem cable ? I had problems for months a few years back with Freeserve, only for me to find it was the cable!!

27th October 2004, 10:38
I thought it was that, and bought a new one the other day.

It connects to my computer and then to an adapter, and then to the phone socket.

Could I have bought an incorrect cable????

27th October 2004, 10:43
Try a new adapter also.....

Is the adapter another cable? The less cable the better in my experience.

Better still, you can get Broadband for £17.99 a month with Tesco !!!!!!!!!!!

27th October 2004, 10:46
If your paying that much, you can get broadband for £15 a month!! You then use a different network connection so you won't have a problem.

Try www.plus.net

You also need to run AV & Spybot/Adaware

Uninstall any modem softare, and reinstall

27th October 2004, 11:12
So if I get broadband... that will solve my problem...

Plus net not really a nme I have heard of... apart from you bleating on about it all the time Keith! :D

What would you say, if i persued it... Tesco, or plus net,
what are the benefits of both!

Are there downsides to either of them!!!

27th October 2004, 11:25
With Broadband you don't ever have to connect to the internet, you are permanently connected....I'm sure everyone who has it will recommend it.

I only mentioned Tesco as they've recently started to provide the service. PlusNet is Keiths baby, and I'm sure the service is excellent. I'm with NTHell Broadband.

If you have a BT line, you can use any number of Broadband companies, including your current provider Virgin.

27th October 2004, 11:32
But with Virgin, that's about 27-99...

too much for a poor old student like myself! :D

27th October 2004, 12:25
With PlusNet a few members now use it, but you gets all kinds of extras. Plenty of webspace to use, with MySQL, PHP, etc

I'd stay clear of any big names they don't give much in the way of customer service, whereas the smaller have to in order to keep the customers.

27th October 2004, 12:34
do I have to solve my connection problem before i go broadband,
or will that solve my problem???

27th October 2004, 12:49
It will solve your problem

27th October 2004, 12:51
You'll need a broadband modem, sometimes it is included in the package otherwise use www.dabs.com

27th October 2004, 12:57

27th October 2004, 13:02
Most of the time it's included in the package...read the small print though ! :)

27th October 2004, 13:14
With Tesco, it is!

I know I should understand , but...
Is there like limits to how much e-mails you can send and the like!

On pulse, it says that you can only send 15 e-mails with attachments
on a certain package.

Tesco doesn't mention any limits!!!

27th October 2004, 13:59
Read the small print Vegy, most have a 1GB limit.

PlusNet - You purchase your bandwidth in advance so you know what your paying for, with an extra £7 a month for unlimited
AOL - You get as much as you can use
BT and other big companies limit you to 1GB. Go over that and your banned. Tesco are only a portal to one of the bigger companies.

27th October 2004, 14:02
Tesco are only a portal to one of the bigger companies.
Like a tardis :yikes: