View Full Version : Broadband - nearing a decision!

28th October 2004, 11:14
I'm going to get Broadband tomorrow!

It is looking like Tesco may be the one that I join!
Reasons -

FREE connection and broadband modem
No Dowload limit
15 e-mail addresses,

all for only £19.97 per month!

That loooks good to me...
If anyone can find cheaper than that... let me know!!!

(Plus I get points on my Clubcard apparently! :laugh )

28th October 2004, 11:21
and my share options will go up once they know the Vegster is on board !!!!! :laugh

28th October 2004, 11:22
and my share options will go up once they know the Vegster is on board !!!!!

You bet ya! :D

But be careful... we'll get done for share price fixing! :D

28th October 2004, 11:24
Just rang Tesco...

I said...

"Are we doing a deal... or are we doing a deal"

They weren't best please!

(NB - The incident described above may or may not have actually happened. The writer is under to obligation to reveal whether this is fact or fiction)

28th October 2004, 12:07
i'd just like to say that plus.net is a worthwhile isp if you're still looking

28th October 2004, 12:16
Having to pay for modem and stuff has put me off!!!

I like freebies! :D

28th October 2004, 12:25
It's not free, your tied into a 12 month contract.

28th October 2004, 12:42

If you want to buy some fish - you go to a fishmonger
If you want to buy some meat - you go to a butcher
If you want to buy some drugs you come to me :yikes:

Get my drift.....

28th October 2004, 12:45
I think so,

I'm off to the Docklands fishmongers!
to get my fruit and veg! :D