View Full Version : How to sign up for 100% Membership

2nd November 2004, 20:17
International members are welcoms, and it is advisable to use Paypal.

Please note that a Paypal eCheque takes 7-10 days to clear and your account will not be activated till then. It is best to upload the money to your Paypal account first and transfer it, take account of their commission charge as well.

Daily Update Page

This updated twice a day, approx 10:30pm & midday, with the main information given on the latter update.

To access or join the Win2Win members area you now use either "BT Click&buy" or "aMember (Paypal)". You need to register to use them if you have not done so already. Full details are here http://www.win2winracing.com/racingclub.html

Once registered, and payment has been made, you then access through whichever payment system you signed up for, by using the access buttons on the left hand side of the main Win2Win Racing page (http://www.win2winracing.com/)......

BT Click&buy
a) Clicking the daily or 30 day access button on the main Win2Win page in the top left corner http://www.win2win.co.uk/main.html

b) Using this direct link http://bt.premium-link.net/$54051$0$/test1.html

c) Directly through your BT account at www.btclickandbuy.com (http://www.btclickandbuy.com/) , and clicking 'current content'

Use the password/username you registered with BT to access it.

aMember (Paypal)
Click the appropriate access button for 1 Day or 30 day, although they both take you to the same login page. Once you login, the subscription you have live will be listed on the left of the screen. Click this to enter the "Daily Update Page".

Forum Access

This is free to non-members as well, but you must be registered to get the best out of the membership.

You access the FORUM here http://www.win2winracing.com/forum/

Use the username/password you used when you registered for forum, this may or may not be different than your BT account, but for security at least use a different password.

Win2Win Hidden Members Forum Area

This is basically a FREE extra to the club. To access the HIDDEN MEMBERS AREA, when you are logged into the forum, you enter the password here http://www.win2winracing.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=19 . You first must have your account activated for this by simply emailing your Forum Username to the email address near the top of the daily update page.

The password for this area can be found at near the top of the Daily Update Page in BLUE. This will be changed at random times, although I try to keep it to weekends, so if you suddenly discover the password is no longer giving you access, it probably means their is a new one on the update page.

This extra security is to ensure only paying members gain access to the full list of professional information. The free stuff is only a taster.

Any further questions please ask on this forum, as it can take 24 hrs for me to answer an email, and also to upgrade your forum account.

Thank You.