View Full Version : Life's priorities

3rd November 2004, 01:27
Thought it was about time I added something to this section. Might not suit everyone's sense of humour, but hey, we're all different.....

Try this test:

Don't look at the bottom yet, note the numbers before doing it. Five things are happening at the same time which all need your attention.

1- the phone is ringing
2- the baby is crying
3- somebody is knocking at the door
4- you hang your washing outside and it's started to rain
5- you didn't turn off the kitchen tap and the water is overflowing

In what order will you solve these problems?

Note down on paper the order in which you would settle these problems and
check how your decisions have been taken.

The results are very interesting...








Each point represents something in your life. The following lists the definition of each point:

1: phone = work
2: Baby = family
3: Door = friends
4: Washing = money
5: Water = sex

The succession of numbers you have chosen define the order of your
priorities in life.

So, who decided to turn off the tap first?????????

3rd November 2004, 01:30
It was a near thing, but I just managed to turn the tap off before getting the washing in - but only because turning the tap off only takes a few seconds!! :wink

3rd November 2004, 01:35
I turned the tap off first. The washing was the last thing. Believe me that is not right! :)

3rd November 2004, 01:41
mine was the tap too - but im sorry this is just absolute common sense - nothing to do with anything else WHAT SO EVER EVER EVER (Im grumpy - there is a reason for this and its nothing to do with TAPS AND RUNNING WATER) AAAARRRRGGGHHH

3rd November 2004, 02:02
Oh go on Challenger, it's past the watershed, you can share.............we're listening......... Ooo

3rd November 2004, 02:22
i admitted my er fantasy "tag team" (and I dont mean wrestling) to my fella over the weekend and now he thinks im a nutcase and hes done a runner (well not quite - but Hes WINDING ME UP - IM GOING TO CLOCK HIM ONE TOMORROW)

3rd November 2004, 02:32
I take it he wasn't one half of the duo then?? Oh dear, nothing worse than male pride in tatters.....tell him you really meant female "wrestling" but couldn't admit as much to him, soon get his interest back.....

3rd November 2004, 02:46
there were 4 and only 2 of them were human (clue : Iwanted to go and and see aliens vs predator - AND I BLOODY WELL WILL - even if i have to go on my own in a rainmac)- actually of the 2 "humans" one was Roy keane so maybe only one of them was human

3rd November 2004, 15:51
2, 5, 3, 4, 1. Make of that what you will!
Funny signature Aly, most amusing.

3rd November 2004, 15:55
5, 2, 3, 1, 4

and there was me thinking it was because I didn't want a flooded house!!! :D

3rd November 2004, 16:07

Thats about right for me - sex always comes before work......

3rd November 2004, 16:22
Sex, Family, Friends, Money, Work!

TH will be shocked at me! :)

3rd November 2004, 17:49
5 2 3 4 1

3rd November 2004, 18:08
5 2 3 4 1
You minx you. :wink :)

3rd November 2004, 20:21
Funny how often 5 is first, apart from you Sparky but then you're just putting the result before the action......

Never yet seen anyone come up with number 1 as number 1, usually figures way down the list.

This came from one of those courses my old (corporate) employer used to send us on. We learnt absolutely nothing useful or relevant to our jobs but we usually had a great time on expenses in some fancy country mansion.