View Full Version : Kernel32.dll.

3rd November 2004, 13:33
Everything was working ok last night, using betfair poker site on the internet, everything working fine until the computer froze and now on restart keep getting error message "Uauv has caused an error in KERNEL32.DLL." have tried ringing betty but no joy, seems to be just this and the only other error message is something like Mism (or something like that).

Can anyone please shed any light or give any advice.

3rd November 2004, 14:00
i had the same problem when my last hard drive packed up. if you run scandisk this may help. (it was causing me bad clusters).
i would back up all your data now though, incase the worst happens. but i am no expert.

3rd November 2004, 14:01
oh by the way - KERNEL32.DLL, is normally a problem with your memory,

3rd November 2004, 14:06
If your using 98 try to find what your looking for (if you can browse, well youv've posted) in http://support.microsoft.com/common/canned.aspx?r=d&h=windows+98+kernel32.dll+error+articles&ll=kbwin98search+or+kbwin98sesearch&sz=kbkern32dll&cdid=en-us-kb&lcid=1033

3rd November 2004, 14:08
kernel32.dll Last modified: Monday, July 23, 2001

Kernel32.dll is the 32-bit dynamic link library found in the Windows operating system kernel. It handles memory management, input/output operations, and interrupts. When Windows boots up, kernel32.dll is loaded into a protected memory space so other applications do not take that space over.

On occasion, though, users may encounter the "invalid page fault" error.

This error occurs when a program or application tries to access kernel32.dll's protected memory space. Sometimes the error is caused by one particular program or application, and other times it is provoked by multiple files and applications.

If the problem results from running one application, then the application needs to be replaced. If the problem occurs when accessing multiple files and applications, the corruption is probably caused by faulty hardware

Find out what program is UAUV and take it off, and reinstall.

4th November 2004, 13:29
I have run scan disk and disk de fragmenter, have reloaded betfair poker (the source of the "Uau") stillwith no difference
However am now getting another error message
Msim has caused an error in KERNEL32.DLL.
Everything else seems to be working on the computer, cant find anything on microsoft sites and the internet only offers programes to fix Kernel.32 faults to download - at cost and unknown wether it will make any difference
Anyone know any absolutley free sites that might be worth trying
Running millenium edition (before everybody starts shouting at me I have no choice for some serious reasons...lol)

4th November 2004, 13:35
In case the Kernel is corrupted, you can download a new one from here http://www.dll-files.com/dllindex/dll-files.shtml?kernel32

Use SEARCH on your system to find the old ones and replace them.

Also go to START>RUN>MSCONFIG and take anything to do with MSIM and UAUV from the STARUP list, and reboot.

4th November 2004, 14:01
I know a worm caused the same error message in win 98 Msim, I forget what it was called though something ending in 99.