View Full Version : Shopping Wizard

7th November 2004, 13:04
Back from a wee break to find my pc infected with something called SHOPPING WIZARD...chief suspect is my 18 year old nephew and his adult searches ::swear ::swear .

I found this Shopping Wizard in my search , but cannot get rid of it. I run Norton Antivirus..any suggestions as to how I get this off my pc ( banning nephew from using it is an obvious option ) as it had hujacked my home page to About Blank and all its associated pop ups....

Thanks .


7th November 2004, 13:08
Im not the most PC aware person, but try adaware and spybot to get rid of it. Thse two progrms seem tp get rid of most things

7th November 2004, 13:22
It appears you have got landed with one of the nastiest hijack programs around - here's what I found about it with very lon complcated instructions as to getting rif of it.... good luck mate - I think you'll need it!


7th November 2004, 13:23
and if your nephew listening get Tracks Eraser so you can search Adult education sites without your uncle finding out :)

7th November 2004, 13:26
It appears you have got landed with one of the nastiest hijack programs around - here's what I found about it with very lon complcated instructions as to getting rif of it.... good luck mate - I think you'll need it!


Thanks for that link mate......hmmmmm there is no way with my limited pc knowledge of following those instructions...you reckon I would be as well running a complete restore programme ??

7th November 2004, 13:50
When I try to unistall programme , it reads....http//looking-for.cc/uninstall Shopping Wizard.html.

7th November 2004, 14:07
I had a similar problem sometime ago - and thanks to advice here....I came across ¨spyware doctor¨ I downloaded - and it sorted my problems out.....

It worked for me - but please let more knowledgeable people on the forum confirm before using it.....:yikes:

7th November 2004, 14:21

Found this through a google search and maybe of some help.