View Full Version : Installing Windows XP:

21st November 2004, 17:48
I've built my Mums pc, have set it up to boot from cd, inserted Windows XP cd, booted up and it returns with the message "Boot Disk Failure, please insert system disk and press enter"

I know the system will boot from cd as I've tried with a Windows 98 cd.

Any ideas? Could it be that my Windows XP cd isnt working properly?

Here is an image of whats on the cd....

21st November 2004, 17:54
Could be to do with the type of XP disc you have - is it an original that came with a specific PC, or is it an upgrade version?

21st November 2004, 18:13
Gim Lad!!, looks like a dodgy .TXTserial# :D

21st November 2004, 18:13
Gim Lad!!, looks like a dodgy .TXTserial# :D
And the rest of it sir? :D

21st November 2004, 18:17
Yeah, it sounds like an upgrade CD.

You can boot it from the 98 disk and run setup from DOS but even if you can boot to DOS you wont be able to install it fresh with an upgrade disk :(

It might be worth installing 98 first and running the XP set up once that is installed. Im not sure Win XP upgrades from 98 ill find out.......


21st November 2004, 18:21
........yes it does :)

21st November 2004, 18:25
I think I'll down the 98 -> XP route then.

I would be more patient but I'm flying tomorrow AM and promised my Mum that her pc would be up and running before left. :doh

21st November 2004, 18:35
Windows XP comes in two types, INTALL BOOTABLE & UPGRADE NON-BOOTABLE, if you have the later, install 98/ME first. Then UPGRADE to XP, but install it as a NEW version and not an upgrade, that way it leaves you a backdoor through 98 to get on the system in case of future problems.

22nd November 2004, 10:33
Hi workshy.....

You need to alter your PC boot sequence to boot from CD first. Usually if you press F11 when you turn on your PC it will bring up your boot options and select CD as the boot choice and XP will then auto install. If your puter does not accept F11 then you will have to change the boot sequence in your BIOS settings (but remember to change back after Windows is installed).....


22nd November 2004, 10:38
I did try that Gordon. Worked for Windows 98 cd but not for the XP disc. Problem is sorted now thanks all, I went down the install 98, upgrade to XP route. Now I have the joys of getting her pc on a LAN with mine. Got the cables connected and both pc's can 'see' each other but cant share broadband or files. Ohh what fun I have waiting for me when I return from Dam.

If anyone wants to have a monkey's guide to setting up a home network for me on my return I would be muchly grateful :D

22nd November 2004, 15:13
If you run Internet Connection Sharing in XP on both systems, that should do it.

23rd November 2004, 01:26
Hi again workshy.....

A decent 4 Port Router, cable up both machines, slot the CD into the old coffee-cup holder and install on both machines (follow the instructions carefully). Then :

If you are using a firewall like Norton etc, configure the Network settings for your new router. This should have a wizard to do this.....


START > Network Places > Set Up a Home or Small office Network > NEXT >

Make sure that BOTH puters are switched on and plugged into the Router (and that your printer is switched on too)....

> NEXT >

Check the Use shared Connection for the Internet.....

> NEXT >

Give your puter a description and name in the given boxes.....

> NEXT >

Give your Workgroup a name.....

> NEXT >

Check the Turn on file and printer sharing.....


The puter will then process the information.....

When done check the "Just finish the wizard" radio button at the bottom of the list.....


Repeat this on BOTH MACHINES.....

Sometimes it takes a while for both puter shared folders to show up in the network window. Sometimes a reboot of both machines after installation helps.....

Good Luck!


23rd November 2004, 02:14
Good post Gordon, that's exactly how it's done. Then you can simply navigate to the shared folders on the other user's computer (from the same workgroup) via My Network Places.