View Full Version : Just a question.

Steven Gerrard
21st November 2004, 19:15
I currently take the free tips off Sportinglife.com. They haven't been doing well with me lately, and thats the only site that i get the tips off. Now i don't want to be forking out money for money tips so thats no good to me. But i just wanted to ask, what site do you think/tried give out reasonable tips that have a good strike rate that are given for free.

Today they had 5 winners out of 18 selections, yesterday they had 6 winners out of 35. Which isn't too good. I just wanted to know if you knew any tips sites that are free and have a good strike rate.

Thanks to anyone that answers.

21st November 2004, 19:17

Sorry for spamming. And I'm sure others will tell you, it isnt SR you want to worry about. If you want to almost be sure of profiting long term, join up as a member here. Alternatively, do alot of work on systems and use them, like moi. :)

Steven Gerrard
21st November 2004, 19:25
I can't really afford forking out money monthly, i only put 20p lucky 15's and thats my lot. If i really fancy a horse i might stick a pound on it. But i have chose which i like the look off, but i can't get it right. I just want a reliable tip service that will be free, and can get me a small profit every day. I am not trying to be greedy by wanting every tip to come in, just something that will get me a profit for the day and build it up. I don't really know a good system, the system i tend to use is useless. I look at the racing post, and i select a horse that has good form, but everytime i do that, a horse comes in with crap form.

21st November 2004, 19:28
This site gives out free tips. Also you might want to look in the various forum sections. No garantees they will make you a fortune but at least the people on here are real punters and you can judge how they are doing. Also they might or might not just confirm your own thoughts which sounds like basically what you are looking for,

Steven Gerrard
21st November 2004, 19:34
I've been watching systems, and seeing whether they have a good strike rate. However i seem to like Gordons system as his looks like it gets him a reasonable profit. It's just picking the right 4 which is the thing.

21st November 2004, 19:40
I hope this doesnt offend the said man, but if you want to follow tips on here, personally I would follow Merlin's Pro & 'fun' (they're a bit more than fun!) bets aswell as looking out for Frontrunner's fun bets.

Do that whilst reading/researching horse racing and gambling in general. Plenty of useful sites out there with good content on them. This time last year, I couldnt read a form card! I've also learnt that system betting is better than method betting, well maybe not better, but it suits me better.

Steven Gerrard
21st November 2004, 19:43
I have been following Merlin, the joint efforts game, the race been selected i take a look at Merlins pick, and watch out for it. But i will take a look at his system, and follow it.

21st November 2004, 19:44
TH has a very good point. Keith's free info is doing very nicely too

Stop gambling for a short while if need be but what I would do (and what I actually do as it happens) is papertrade any system or tipping service before I commit a penny to the tips. I'd try that for a while.

Papertrade Keith's free A+ and A bets maybe. Try papertrading the free systems. Pick some of the punters on here and papertrade their tips.

Try thinking of some systems to papertrade and test to get you used to working on and with systems. Think of some of the easy variables to tinker with and work with them. Perhaps look towards the hot trainers or horses that have run in the last few days which may be a sign of trainers trying to cash in on a hot streak of form.

Pick up some books on horse racing and gambling to learn more about form and systems.

If you want to make this game pay you do need to put in some effort I am afraid. Generally speaking free tips are free for a reason. I know Keith's info is good quality but many of the tipsters offering free info are rip-off merchants. Would you expect the same quality of info for free than they are charging for? You wouldn't expect a free car to be as reliable as one you pay a dealership good money for so why expect the same of betting tips? If the info is duff the tipster won't care, he doesn't need to keep customers as he gets nothing from them.

Remember there are exceptions to the above - namely Win2Win! :)

If you want some other advice:
1) stop doing lucky 15s and starting doing win singles or e-w where advised. The more exotic the bet the bigger the profit for the bookmaker.
2) stop treating gambling as a get rich quick scheme. We all want to make a profit everyday but we can't and we don't. Try to make a profit every week, month etc.

Another question - how often do you really fancy a horse to put £1 on it? How many lucky 15s do you do a month? If you are spending more than £30 a month on those bets I have a better way you can spend that £30. Sign up as a member of W2W and get the best info from the best tipster on the web.

By the way - I too am a small stakes punter so I know where you are coming from. I have been a member since September last year and have yet to make back my membership through a month's gambling because my stakes are so low. However, I don't mind spending that money because I am thinking long term. I know I will make all the membership subscriptions back and more. I am prepared to build up my banks from a diddy level and eventually get to the big time. Think of it as dipping your toe in the bath rather than just jumping in and possibly getting scalded. The one thing I have got for my money is a bloody good education. And the more you know in this game, the more you understand, the better armed you are in the war against the bookies and other punters. Do you want to face the enemy with a pea shooter or an entire arsenal?

21st November 2004, 19:48
Do that whilst reading/researching horse racing and gambling in general. Plenty of useful sites out there with good content on them. This time last year, I couldnt read a form card! I've also learnt that system betting is better than method betting, well maybe not better, but it suits me better.
That's exactly what I was thinking. It's what I have done. I've read a lot about form etc and I still can't picker a winner in the joint effort races so I have been working on systems. Try both angles and find which works for you.

I can't be bothered to trace lines of form between races and over several months if not longer for every runner in a race. I would rather crunch a few numbers then be able to turn the handle and let the system pick the horses to back. You may be the other way round and prefer to work through the form. Apparently it is more satisfying when your form reading before a race throws up a big winner than when a system picks one for you but a winner is a winner however it comes about :)

21st November 2004, 20:05
My advice would be to begin with just the A+ and A bets found on the freebie page. Set a small amount you can afford to lose each week and start a 'bank'. Say you start with £5 (you say you do 20p lucky 15s - which cost £3). You could set 1 point=25p to begin with. A+ bets stake 3 points, A Bets stake 1 point. No other bets and if possible, add a little bit to the bank each week. The idea is to try to build the bank up to a level where you are confident to increase your stakes a little. Most people aim for a stake increase when the bank trebles - I tend to wait til it quadruples (my own preference). When the bank reaches £20 (which will be quite quick if you are adding a little extra each week too), increase to 1 point = 50p etc

You'll soon have a nice little bank to consider using the whole of the site and information available to members. It's not a get rich quick scheme - good gambling never is!

Steven Gerrard
21st November 2004, 20:20
Well what i was doing, was i had a book, where i had written down the horses i backed, my stake, and where it came. I wrote down how much i went in with, and how much i came out with to see if i am making a loss or profit. If i make a loss, i see how much i'm losing and i go in with less than the day before. Crap system but least i have record of what i have backed, and where my bad days are.

21st November 2004, 20:25
While not site related but you could try Nevel Ender on willhill radio. Seems he has really got his 'act' together and is thought to be expert in Natoinal Hunt races. Preformance since march? has been v.good.

Keiths free systems over the long term (100+bets) usually result in proft as you can see from the results page.

21st November 2004, 20:27
If you'd followed my joint effort tips you'd be,

f :censored: ing crackers. :D

21st November 2004, 20:29
Lets hope they dont start putting sharp objects in crackers then!

21st November 2004, 20:30
Write down all your selections and list them with flat/nh, novice, maiden, h/c, age, SP, etc, and in a couple of months go through it and you'll see what you are best at.

You can then work at that.

Generally speaking, anything above a 40% SR produces little profit.

Steven Gerrard
21st November 2004, 20:39
Thanks for the help. I write down the horse i have backed, and if they come 2nd, or 3rd i will follow them. Maybes i should jot down the distance, and what class it is, and see if i can work out it's preferred distance and class. Then if i see it in the preferred distance i should back it because it might work for me.

21st November 2004, 21:19
You can get some of that info on the Racing Post site Steven, just search for your horse, or click the name on the racecards.

21st November 2004, 22:49
What is willhill radio ? I am really duh tonight but haven`t heard of it.. is it on the site or is it on the radio, if you follow.. :hearty

22nd November 2004, 19:11
Susan, on the William Hill web site, there's links to live (well, around 30 second delayed "live") commentary, plus pre-recorded tips & interviews. I think the commentators are all freelance and you can tell technology isn't their forte! They crease me up most afternoons, they should do a turn at The Comedy Store.