View Full Version : Unable To Access Any Log-in Sites

29th November 2004, 00:01
Problem has been intermittent since yesterday. I can access any sites but nothing with a log-in or sign-in.. so bookmakers ! also any other site where I have to sign in. I getr to the site but can`t go further, it tells me Page Can`t be Displayed.. I have firewall on and Norton AV is up to date. I ran a full scan and nothing was detected.
I have on-speed which has told me this evening it can`t be connected..I have tried all my sites which require log-in from betfair to ebay, and back..no joy.
I have a new IBM Thinkpad and I use the dreaded XP...
Heeeeelp please ! :hearty

29th November 2004, 02:54
To test the internet your conection to other sites you could go into DOS (i.e start run cmd) and type TRACERT www.google.com (http://www.google.com/).

You will then see a series of numbers and server I.P addresses telling you the route data packets follow going from server to server. If the timing is too long or a server is having trouble you will be able to identify the point of failour and tell your internet provider about it.

Difficult one to solve with the information provided though.

29th November 2004, 09:39
Thanks Marcus but I think that one is beyond me... ! I`ll go get some technical help. :hearty

29th November 2004, 09:56
You can always download "NEOTRACE" you just type in the web address and it does the trace for you. If it's timing out it's a ISP/Internet problem.

Have you run Adaware/Spybot

Also Norton AV doesn't pick up everything, run the online Panda AV scan.

Make sure you have all Microsfot Updates installed.

29th November 2004, 10:11
Which should I do first ??? :hearty

29th November 2004, 10:19
Am now confused.. or, even more confused..I googled ADAWARE/SPYBOT and got a thing telling me how to download something that gets rid of the above... but presumably I don`t want to get rid of it, I want it..
::swear ::swear

29th November 2004, 10:20

then Panda www.pandasoftware.com

You can get Neotrace here http://www.5star-shareware.com/Internet/InternetTools/neotrace.html

29th November 2004, 10:21
Get Spybot here http://www.safer-networking.org/en/index.html it's free

29th November 2004, 12:30
Just a thought you say your using XP is it with service pack 2? SP2 comes with a built in firewall, if it's switched on it could be messing up your other firewall.

29th November 2004, 12:43
Just a thought you say your using XP is it with service pack 2? SP2 comes with a built in firewall, if it's switched on it could be messing up your other firewall.

Now this may be it.. yes and yes is the answer.. what do I do ? I need to remove ONE firewall .. how,m without deleting both ? I`m not very technical but should manage this.. thanks a lot for the suggestion.. :hearty

29th November 2004, 12:52
No need to remove it go to start, control panel, security center then switch the windows sp2 firewall off.

29th November 2004, 12:54
Done it.. but now I get a pop up telling me no firewall is turned on.. I presumed I had one with Norton ? this is a nightmare ! :hearty

29th November 2004, 12:56
That pop up will come on twice at boot up then it will stay off till you re-boot, but has it cured your problem?

29th November 2004, 23:00
Norton AV does not contain a firewall. But you should run Norton LIVE UPDATE anyway.

29th November 2004, 23:29
Problem with the log-in sites has cleared.. still occasionally get the problem with pressing Back button and getting the Problem with Accessing message..
but if Norton doesn`t have a firewall then I am unprotected, as they used to tell us in Biology lessons...maybe I`d better switch it on again and see what happens ?
I`ve done the Norton and the Panda and the other.. thanks for all thta info Keith.

30th November 2004, 12:23
Did a bit of hunting around today, seems on speed isnt liked by some email isps so it has to be turned off to download mail, usually ok with hotmail, also some secure sites wont load while onspeed is connected. If you get disconnected from the likes of betfair with on speed connected on dialing back in the page may "freeze" so you have to select another race then come back to the one you were on.
As to the back button if this wont work while you are off line bring up another i.e page go to history on the new page and select the page from there.
hope that helps.
now where do I get those smilies from?

30th November 2004, 15:28
See the smilies link at the bottom of the this web page :D

30th November 2004, 18:37
I never have any problems with Onspeed on as it's only a proxy server.

I would actually recommend a hardwarde firewall for anyone with broadband, you can get them as part of a network router/modem for as little as £100 now, and they can't be hacked, unlike software. You also have complete control over who can access what, at which time, and how much bandwidth is allowed on the network.

30th November 2004, 19:21
Thanks for all this help.. alas, no broadband here in the sticks yet and with onspeed making it so good not sure I`ll bother when we do.

30th November 2004, 20:05
You can't say that Susan, Alex told everyone it was useless even though he didn't even know what it was :doh So obviously all the users were wrong, and he was always right!! Those were the days :laugh

30th November 2004, 23:16
I`m beginning to see what I missed as I was off the forum in Alex`s time..
everything seems to be workking fine now BUT i have a small new problem.. ONSPEED... the little green ball icon on the bottom right hand corner panel has vanished so I can`t switch it off which I sometimes need to do to see graphics clearly.. where has it gone and why and how can I get it back ? It just wasn`t there when I went on line this afternoon but Onspeed is clearly working...
I am tired of all these silly glitches. :hearty

1st December 2004, 09:59
Rebooting usually fixes it. If not, just reinstall the program.

1st December 2004, 11:35
Can anyone tell me if its possible to increase the volume on a PDA, I have one with TomTom Sat Nav software but its not loud enough when giving voice directions, I have been using those small earphones but not happy to wear them whilst driving, is there any way to amplify the voice,

1st December 2004, 11:42
Their must be amplifiers that plug into the lighter socket around. Have you checked with the manufacturers web site, and other sites like Carphonewarehouse who sell accessories?

1st December 2004, 13:03
Try a different browser too. When i was on dial up I tried Opera and it sped up twice as fast as Explorer, but no difference with broadband. Also it holds a web pages cache so u get ur page back instantly when pressing "back". Only prob is the java aint very good and it wont work for betfair, but all else is fine.

1st December 2004, 13:10
It does work for Betfair, I use many times a week on the laptop via 3G. The older version 6 months ago had a few problems with caching, but the new one is fine.

1st December 2004, 16:32
Thats funny i got the latest and it still dont work :doh Wot could i be doing wrong? All my javas enabled. And while your on about laptops, can you go on line totally wireless with them? If so how does it work and can you be cut off, eg if its GPRS, well thats well unreliable on phones at least.

1st December 2004, 17:46
You don't get GPRS on phone lines it's wireless :doh

Seacrh Google for "Vodafone Connect Card", and it has all the info you need.

I usually connect around 384kb/s near cities, otherwise out in the sticks it switches to GPRS, but with Onspeed on it's still quicker than 56k. I pay £25/mth for 50MB download.

Have you got all the latest Microsoft updates on your system?

1st December 2004, 18:05
I meant mobile phones, they use gprs. I got all updates. On opera, betfair just flashes up the prices then disappear.

1st December 2004, 18:09
Opera doesn't use the full java properly yet, as it's basically programmed for IE