View Full Version : Betfair stats for all

17th December 2004, 20:23
Guys just seen this at Betfair.........

Over the past few months we have had many customer requests for historical data to monitor betting and trading strategies.

We are delighted to announce that this monthly report is now available to registered betfair users. Data for November is available now and further information will be added in the coming weeks.

In order to view this data, please register a username at the Betfair Developers Program Forum:

bdp.betfair.com/bdpforum/index.php (http://bdp.betfair.com/bdpforum/index.php) - you will subsequently receive a welcome email containing the password to open the Historical Data files.


18th December 2004, 10:27
Thanks KC - very useful link.

18th December 2004, 12:02
Thanks KC,

Warning I downloaded the SINGLE Txt file and unpacked it it is 166Mb, you need a very large memory and super duper PC methinks to do anything with it.

Had a quick look through and all the data is there if a tad tedious to read.


18th December 2004, 12:17
Yep - it's enormous!

You cannot import it to Excel - Excel only allows imports of around 65k records - this has over 100k.

Unless you are willing to break it down into 'bitesize' chunks, you will need to either import it directly into a database (but you will still need a monster system to create relational tables) or you will need to use a programming language to grab the bits you need.

I put it into an Access database and will have to write a 'front end' to make any use of it. In theory, it will be worth the effort.

18th December 2004, 12:57
If anyone manages to get it in a workable format, please let me know, I'd very much like a good look at it :)

18th December 2004, 13:05
Can I just check what this data actually is? Is it November's records of odds and amounts traded on each and every runner in every market?