View Full Version : Something to amuse the boys

19th December 2004, 00:24
And possibly the girls too :D


19th December 2004, 13:00
Arrrrrh ****, pissshed all up my trousers trying to do some calligraphy!

21st January 2005, 17:58
Uh-oh, this thing's taken on a life of its own. My paltry web logs were, until recently, lucky to get above 2kb. But, because of this link, they've been slowly creeping up in size - last nights' was in excess of 15Mb with some three-quarters of a million hits on this file alone! So far it seems to have gone around the world a dozen times with 2.6 million hits in January (most of them this week) - even being featured in the Washington Post.

Either Workshy's got a LOT of friends he's emailed it to - or it just demonstrates the rapidity with which other stuff like viruses can be transmitted so quickly.

I just wish I'd known it was gonna be so popular - I would've figured out a way to generate a penny for each visit :D