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26th December 2004, 12:26
If anyone is having trouble connecting to try www.win2winracing.com

Their is currently an issue with an old host who won't renew the name unless I purchase hosting space I do not require!! Should be sorted in a few days, doesn't help being a holiday period.

26th December 2004, 12:41
Their is currently an issue with an old host

It's that Bruce Forsyth again isn't it!? :)

26th December 2004, 14:29
Great. I have to pay £30 for hosting and a transfer to Supanames, even though it has already been transferred to them, and is hosted elsewhere!! This will take 2-3 days :(

I then have to do a redirect script so it doesn't happen again. If I change the DNS host line as I did last time, it'll lapse again. What a ripoff, good old Britain!!

26th December 2004, 14:42
Great. I have to pay £30 for hosting and a transfer to Supanames, even though it has already been transferred to them, and is hosted elsewhere!! This will take 2-3 days :(

I then have to do a redirect script so it doesn't happen again. If I change the DNS host line as I did last time, it'll lapse again. What a ripoff, good old Britain!!
In English? Ooo :geek

26th December 2004, 15:39
I hosted with Supanames 2 years ago, when moved from another host. Bandwidth costs grew to much so I bought another domain name, and had the .co.uk to point to the new one with another host.

Because of that Supanames just let the .co.uk lapse, so it has been suspened by Nominet the UK domain manager. In order to get it back online, I have to pay Supanames for a full hosting package rather than just a normal £10 registration fee which is the norm!

26th December 2004, 15:47
So is it an oversight on Supanames part or an attempted rip off?

26th December 2004, 15:53
Ripoff. They are Hosts are supposed to inform you to renew, but they never. Now it has lapsed, I have to fork out for the full package of a host I won't even use, as the domain is redirected to the US!

30th December 2004, 20:27
www.win2win.co.uk is now back online, but it will take up to 48hrs for the DNS servers around the globe to propagate.

Bloody hosts charged me £117 for the privelege for 12 months to get it back up, and all they are hosting is online of code to transfer it to www.win2winracing.com !!

Hopefully my search engine rankings will reappear, as most have gone due to the site down time, preventing plenty of new people joining us over the busy Xmas period, and also preventing current visitors from getting here who didn't know the .com domain name.

Strange these things always happen when I'm either on, or close to a holiday!!

30th December 2004, 21:17
Thanks for the continuing info Keith. I managed to get back on after 2 days head scratching!
If you want the details of a reliable hosting company get in touch.

Happy New Year to you and yours and thanks for a great site.........Slosh

30th December 2004, 21:24
I host the site with a reliable company in the US, but they don't hold .co.uk names, so the old host had to keep it, but cocked up on the renewal because it was they took it at face value that because the DNS settings sent it to the US host, they were dealing with it, when SUPANAMES was obviosuly still on the TAG, the blind fools.

I'll just use a .htaccess 301 error, and that should force the search engines to list the .com name instead.

31st December 2004, 10:36

Should be back online with most people now, and with everyone by the end of the day.

31st December 2004, 10:43
first ones working but not the second

31st December 2004, 10:45
Takes a while for the DNS servers around the globe to propagate. They both work via AOL for me, but only the top one on Plusnet, as they all use different servers.