View Full Version : form figures

28th December 2004, 18:14
Hi All

Can somebody tell me why some of the Racing Posts form figures (left hand side of horses name) are in bold for the all weather?

Is it that the bold are for all weather specialists or have I got it wrong? (again) :confused:

28th December 2004, 18:29
You're on the right track - on the AW cards AW form is bold, turf form isn't.

28th December 2004, 19:13
Thanks BigC. I'll try my system again taking that into consideration.

30th December 2004, 00:44
fiddling about,looking at favs,and I consider them muchly,cos even if you don't bet them,the 30% s/r is with you or against you,depending from which direction you start.
If you're system building,the AM site indicates that 1 LTO is a +,lots of systems go 1/2/3 LTO,well with lots of races,out of the frame,5/6/even already,can mean the same or better in the formline for favs.......
Another anomaly is,when is a formline really useful,superuseful,like123 days ago,useful,like up to a couple of weeks,or out of date/form,like over a month???
Again,another anomaly,loads of winners at great prices come from a formline supposedly well out of useful date???
Don't get easy,easily do it.

31st December 2004, 00:45
Thanks Hayzee

Been trying something out and the last few days reults, paper traded, gave me strike rates of 58%, 20%, 26% and 53%, as yet I can't see the reason for the low days or the high days come to that, only thing that stands out is that on the two good days the odds were much better than on the two other days. Still early days yet. I will keep paper trading for a good while yet and it's a good excercise for me as i'm very new to this game and the learning curve is vertical!!!

31st December 2004, 06:00
fiddling about,looking at favs,and I consider them muchly,cos even if you don't bet them,the 30% s/r is with you or against you,depending from which direction you start.
If you're system building,the AM site indicates that 1 LTO is a +,lots of systems go 1/2/3 LTO,well with lots of races,out of the frame,5/6/even already,can mean the same or better in the formline for favs.......
Another anomaly is,when is a formline really useful,superuseful,like123 days ago,useful,like up to a couple of weeks,or out of date/form,like over a month???
Again,another anomaly,loads of winners at great prices come from a formline supposedly well out of useful date???
Don't get easy,easily do it.

Hayz - can you say that again..........:yikes:

Great advice though......But please accept the 2004 award for clarity.....

Only teasing.....:laugh

31st December 2004, 09:08
But please accept the 2004 award for clarity.....

& I thought I'd had to many painkillers :)

31st December 2004, 13:05
Hey Slosh,

whereabouts in Beds are you? Im Luton. Also we share the same surname!