View Full Version : Home networks

3rd January 2005, 23:02
I'm sure someone on here will be able to help me with what is a bloody annoying problem. I am trying to set up a home network and something seems determined to prevent me doing so.

I have two PCs:
PC 1 (downstairs): Win XP (service pack 2), Linksys wireless network card
PC 2 (upstairs): Win XP (service pack 2), onboard 10/100 network card
I also have a cable broadband modem connected to a Linksys wireless router which is connected via ethernet cable to PC 2 (upstairs) and enables PC 1 to share the broadband connection.

The router says it can also act as a hub for setting up a home network. It has an IP address of and acts as a DHCP server for the two PCs, giving them IP addresses in the range Yesterday when I last tried this, PC 1 had and PC 2 had Both had subnet masks of Both knew the router was the DHCP server according to ipconfig. Both PCs could ping the router successfully but neither could ping the other.

I checked the ipconfig/ping commands after trying (many times) to run the network setup wizard on XP on both PCs to get them both to form a home network. The wizard ran fine on both PCs, both had the same network group name (domain name or whatever it is called) but neither could see the other in it's workgroup. Both PCs had been rebooted after running the wizard.

Anyone any ideas what could be wrong or where to look? I am reasonably conversant with networking PCs but I am stumped here.

At one stage I have had the upstairs PC showing two computers in its workgroup but when I try to access the files on the downstairs PC from the upstairs PC I get an error telling me I don't have access. Then the second PC vanishes from the workgroup.

Any ideas/thoughts appreciated.

4th January 2005, 09:03
Have you set the firewalls? You should have one on each system. Watch Windows firewall if you have SP2, try it switched off.

I usually find renaming the computer, can sort out the odd network problem, as it forces the systems to update.

I sometimes find that one of my systems won't connect for file sharing, but if I Ping to t from another one, it'll then work!

4th January 2005, 10:51
Have you set the firewalls? You should have one on each system. Watch Windows firewall if you have SP2, try it switched off.

I usually find renaming the computer, can sort out the odd network problem, as it forces the systems to update.

I sometimes find that one of my systems won't connect for file sharing, but if I Ping to t from another one, it'll then work!
Windows firewall is switched off on both PCs as I prefer ZoneAlarm (although I confess I am not 100% sure how to set it all up. I just install ZA and let it block internet access unless I grant it).

How do I rename the computer?

My pings are failing which makes me think this is something more fundamental.

4th January 2005, 12:08
My pings are failing

Go see the doc quick - you need a jab to sort that out! :D

4th January 2005, 12:19
Mat have a look at http://www.experts-exchange.com/Networking/

And http://www.experts-exchange.com/Networking/Q_21215575.html

You may well find the answers there, I usually do if I have a problem.


4th January 2005, 12:24
TWO PC'S :yikes:

You greedy :sex1


4th January 2005, 12:31
TWO PC'S :yikes:

You greedy :sex1


What's wrong with 2 PC's- there's at least 10 on The Bill :D

4th January 2005, 12:43

Reboot and use the wizard. Their is a setting in Zonealarm to allow all internal networks. Turn Zonealarm off on each system, and that'll tell you if it is ZA.

4th January 2005, 12:48
Cheers Keith. And Plater.

I will try and sort it out tonight.

And Veg - two PCs means the missus can play silly card games on one upstairs while I download naughty pictures downstairs :)

4th January 2005, 12:54
I download naughty pictures downstairs :)

Keith in a bikini!!! :yikes:

4th January 2005, 13:01
Keith in a bikini!!! :yikes:

I'll bet you typed that one handed you naughty boy... :yikes:

4th January 2005, 13:03
Veggie in a fluorescent condom :yikes:

4th January 2005, 13:11
I don't use condoms

I love the feel of semen dripping through my fingers!

4th January 2005, 13:14
I think you would be popular down here in Brighton :yikes:

4th January 2005, 13:16
Do they like a nice Seaman then!

4th January 2005, 13:17
Do they like a nice Seaman then!

I would thinks so as he was forever allowing balls to drop through his hands as well ! :D

4th January 2005, 13:23
I suppose he had to do a lot of
bending over to pick them up then!!

4th January 2005, 13:28
Yep, to shouts of Up The Ar-senal :yikes:

4th January 2005, 13:41
Is it true that there are lots of Locksmiths in Brighton

And they like looking through the keyhole!

4th January 2005, 13:45
Funny how we went from a serious thread about Home Networking to something slightly different... :yikes:

4th January 2005, 14:20
Relax BigC

from Home Networking to gay Networking... it's easily done!

Just be brave, see your doctor.
We'll get it out of your system yet! :wink

4th January 2005, 14:39
We'll get it out of your system yet! :wink

:yikes: It's never been in my system..... and never will be

4th January 2005, 14:40
we all know you have many systems

You are bi-systemal

BNut stick with us BigC, we'll cure you!

4th January 2005, 14:43
Bi-systemal, that's a good one! :D Like you're bilingual - 2 tongues to please the laydeez...

4th January 2005, 14:45
I speak in tongues

and with a stiff up 'er lip!

4th January 2005, 15:00
Veggie, what am I supposed to do with the rubber gloves and fresh cream you sent me? :doh

4th January 2005, 15:03
save it for my next visit! :D

4th January 2005, 20:48

Can both PCs access the internet?

4th January 2005, 20:50
Also, have you set up identical users on each machine?

4th January 2005, 20:51
Also, have you set up identical users on each machine?
Do you need to do this to share internet connection? :)

4th January 2005, 20:57
Yes, both PCs can access the internet. Both have the same usernames too

4th January 2005, 21:02
Grrrrr Mat, I can get 2 pc's sharing files but not sharing internet connection. :doh

4th January 2005, 21:03
Do you need to do this to share internet connection? :)
No - but it helps when sharing files as you don't need to worry about permissions.


Navigate to the Windows/system32/drivers/etc folder - in there you will see a file called hosts (the one with NO extension). Double click on this and select 'notepad' as the program to use.

You will see an entry: localhost

On the next line put the ip address of the other machine and the name of the machine: mypcname

Close notepad and click save when prompted.

You should now be able to ping the desired machine. Do the same on the second PC to allow them to ping each other.

4th January 2005, 21:05
Grrrrr Mat, I can get 2 pc's sharing files but not sharing internet connection. :doh
Right click on the Connection you want to share and select the properties menu. In there you should see a tickbox saying 'Share this connection' or something like that.

4th January 2005, 21:07
I've done that mate, done it ages ago infact. Will have to try it tomorrow with no firewall on, risky :doh

4th January 2005, 21:15
Are you going through a switch using 2 network cards in the machine with the internet connection?

The internet should be plugged directly into the sharing PC and then the PCs connected via ports on the switch. Some switches require the sharing PC in port 1.

4th January 2005, 21:40
Mines via 2 LAN cards using a "crossover" cable. Apparently, the internet pc should provide the gateway for pc2. As I say, I've had a break from pulling my hair out over chrimbo and will try again from tomorrow.

4th January 2005, 21:50
You should now be able to ping the desired machine. Do the same on the second PC to allow them to ping each other.
:cryer :compcrash :ermmm

Nope, that's not done it. The pings don't work still.

Zone Alarm is just about to go off on both PCs to see if that makes a difference

4th January 2005, 22:12
Done it! :wiggle: :D :hearty

Zone Alarm automatically adds other PCs on your network to the Internet zone which means it blocks all attempts to access your PC. I have added the IP address of the upstairs machine to the trusted zone on the downstairs PC and vice-versa. I can share files now :)

Cheers everyone :)

16th January 2005, 19:29
Can someone tell me how I can get my 2nd pc to access the net?

It works when I switch Zonealarms off but not whens its on. Thanks :)

16th January 2005, 19:31
Use ipconfig from a Dos box (Start>Run>Command) to find out the 2nd machine IP address and configure the firewall to always allow connections from the IP.

16th January 2005, 22:10
Sorry to whine on, here is what I've tried. Still not working but works as soon as I close ZA.

16th January 2005, 22:45
Are both machines firewalled?

If so, you will need to do the same on the other too.

16th January 2005, 22:48
This might help:


18th January 2005, 17:49
Thanks Oldham, it seems because I am using the free version of ZA that I cant have ICS working.

So my next question, being a tight git and short of liquid assets this week, can anyone recommend a free firewall which allows ICS?

Bit of a shame really as I like ZA, I suppose in time I will have to shell out for it.

Thanks in advance.

18th January 2005, 17:52
Thanks Oldham, it seems because I am using the free version of ZA that I cant have ICS working.You sure?

I have two PCs, both running free ZA, that share an internet connection. Broadband cable modem, into router and then both PCs into router. Both PCs can connect to the web fine.

18th January 2005, 18:00
ICS is internet connection sharing mate whereby I dont have a router and 1 pc asks as a gateway instead. This proving to be a big pain the ****, thought I'd done the needed research but obviously I havent.

18th January 2005, 18:12
So you have PC1 which connects to the web and PC2 connects via PC1?

18th January 2005, 18:17
Thats it mate, via network cards & a crossover cable. Was what I thought to be a cheap solution to getting both online. :doh

18th January 2005, 18:23
What OS?

If it is XP does the integrated firewall in SP2 support ICS?

18th January 2005, 18:27
I'd assume so but from I've read in the past, the XP firewall doesnt offer enough protection. I am open to be corrected on that though. :)

18th January 2005, 18:57
XP firewall is more than ample if you have up to date service packs. Keep your AV up to date too and you will have very few problems.

18th January 2005, 18:58
If you are worried about security, visit grc.com and run the shields up test.

18th January 2005, 19:00
Ohhhh, I'll get the system updated and give it a go then, thanks Oldham.

19th January 2005, 02:21
Get an OEM version of Norton Firewall from Watford for less than £20, it's very good, and automatically done all my network settings, but the free ZA has an ICS option box in it, as I'm using it on the hotels network now.

19th January 2005, 02:26
Elaborate boss? :D