View Full Version : computer clock

15th January 2005, 17:30
Can anyone help?

The clock on my computer is losing time.

I reset it about 30 hours ago (it was over a minute slow) and got it to within 1 second of the speaking clock. I'm now 10 seconds slow.

I generally use the clock when placing bets so if I'm losing time I could be too late if I run it close to the off.

Anybody got any ideas what the problem might be. I would be grateful for any advice.

15th January 2005, 18:12
Slosh have a look at http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=189706&fr=1

15th January 2005, 19:07
Thanks Plater that seems to have solved the problem

15th January 2005, 19:21
If your clock continues to lose time, despite the hints in the Microsoft link above, then it's likely your CMOS battery needs replacing.

16th January 2005, 13:48
My laptop seems to gain time. Sometimes I panic that I missed a race but when I log onto betfair I find I still have five minutes to go. I reset it every morning but it gains about 15 minutes over a day. What is causing that?

16th January 2005, 14:24
This may help XP users:

Synchronizing your computer clock

If your computer is a member of a domain, your computer clock is probably synchronized automatically by a network time server. If your computer is not a member of a domain, you can synchronize your computer clock with an Internet time server.

If synchronization is enabled, your computer clock is synchronized with an Internet time server once a week. However, if you don't have a continuous Internet connection through a cable modem or DSL modem, the automatic synchronization might not always occur. In that case, you can force an immediate synchronization by clicking the Update Now button on the Internet Time tab in Date and Time in Control Panel. This tab is only available if your computer is not a member of a domain.

If time synchronization fails

When you click the Update Now button, your clock should be synchronized immediately. If it fails, it might be for one of the following reasons:

You are not connected to the Internet. Establish an Internet connection before you attempt to synchronize your clock.
Your personal or network firewall prevents clock synchronization. Most corporate and organizational firewalls will block time synchronization, as do some personal firewalls. Home users should read the firewall documentation for information about unblocking network time protocol (NTP). You should be able to synchronize your clock if you switch to Windows Firewall.
The Internet time server is too busy or is temporarily unavailable. If this is the case, try synchronizing your clock later, or update it manually by double-clicking the clock on the taskbar. You can also try using a different time server.
The time shown on your computer is too different from the current time on the Internet time server. Internet time servers might not synchronize your clock if your computer's time is off by more than 15 hours. To synchronize the time properly, ensure that the date and time settings are set close to your current time in the Date and Time Properties in Control Panel.

<NOLOC>To open Date and Time, click Start, point to Settings, click Control Panel, and then double-click Date and Time.</NOLOC>
An Internet time server updates the date set by your computer as well as the time.
The Update Now button is not available unless the Automatically synchronize with an Internet time server check box is selected.
You can change the time on your computer clock manually on the Date & Time tab in Date and Time in Control Panel. You can also open Date and Time by double-clicking the clock on the taskbar.

16th January 2005, 15:10
I use software called Chameleon Clock. It check the atomic clocks on the server every hour, and looks nice when skinned.


16th January 2005, 15:16
You skinned a Chameleon :yikes:

16th January 2005, 15:30
...tastes nice with the fish balls you get here :yikes:

16th January 2005, 15:34
Fish have balls ? :yikes:

16th January 2005, 15:59
...and fingers, that's why they smell of fish :doh

16th January 2005, 17:54
It check the atomic clocks on the server every hour, and looks nice when skinned.

Thanks Keith I now have an atomic skinned chameleon telling me the time, :D shame the rest of the computer is steam powered :yikes:

16th January 2005, 18:09
I now have a finger that smells of fish ::swear

17th January 2005, 01:34
I now have a finger that smells of fish
...better than one with a brown ring round it :yikes:

17th January 2005, 03:22
My chameleon clock says 2.20am :yikes:

17th January 2005, 03:35
Go to bed!!

20th January 2005, 15:12
My chameleon clock wont start up anymore :doh

20th January 2005, 15:29
Just reinstall it.

20th January 2005, 19:54
It wouldnt uninstall cos it kept saying it was running when it wasnt :geek
Anyway it worked after a restart, but this morning when i turned pc on it actually didnt do anything. It began starting up and when screen went black just before the welcome message from XP, it just stayed that way. I get this every now and then, say once a month. I also get a strange screensaver problem where after a few minutes screensaving the pattern moving around starts to jerk around indicating crap memory, then when i move the mouse to bring screen back up it takes minutes. It was doing all this and pc working much slower in everyway, web page loading and ordinary file loading this morning, it used to do it a few weeks back then just started running normally again all by itself, and now its started again. When it happens i do the routine adaware clearout and virus check and that never makes a sods worth! I know no one will know the answer cos you cant tell unless you on the pc yourself, just wondering if anyone else has this problem

20th January 2005, 20:49
When it's running that slow have you checked the Task Manager to see if anything's running that maybe shouldn't be. Just a thought....

20th January 2005, 21:05
You think ive the slightest idea what the names of those processes are?

20th January 2005, 21:32
1. Download AdAware http://www.lavasoftusa.com/software/adaware/
2. Do a full system scan
3. Quarantine and delete everything that is found (right click -> select all)
4. Immediately after, reboot in safe mode
5. Repeat steps 2 and 3
6. Immediately after, reboot in normal mode
7. Repeat steps 2 and 3
8. Reboot

That should have you sorted free of any adware/spyware and should speed up your pc.

Oh, and when was the last time you ran a full scandisk and defragmented?

20th January 2005, 21:32
You think ive the slightest idea what the names of those processes are?

Ah well it was worth suggesting mate! :)

20th January 2005, 22:00
1. Download AdAware http://www.lavasoftusa.com/software/adaware/
2. Do a full system scan
3. Quarantine and delete everything that is found (right click -> select all)
4. Immediately after, reboot in safe mode
5. Repeat steps 2 and 3
6. Immediately after, reboot in normal mode
7. Repeat steps 2 and 3
8. Reboot

That should have you sorted free of any adware/spyware and should speed up your pc.

Oh, and when was the last time you ran a full scandisk and defragmented?

bloody hell! :yikes: Hope you can cope with all that e55 didn't know I was opening such a can of worms when me old ticker was running slow. hope U get it sorted

20th January 2005, 22:09
1. Download AdAware http://www.lavasoftusa.com/software/adaware/
2. Do a full system scan
3. Quarantine and delete everything that is found (right click -> select all)
4. Immediately after, reboot in safe mode
5. Repeat steps 2 and 3
6. Immediately after, reboot in normal mode
7. Repeat steps 2 and 3
8. Reboot

That should have you sorted free of any adware/spyware and should speed up your pc.

Oh, and when was the last time you ran a full scandisk and defragmented?

As ul see in my post ive cleared all the spyware, ive got adaware. However wots this rebooting in safe mode malarkey, how do u do that and why does that work better than just using the adaware normally? Defragged regular, its not an gradual occurence, the pc runs either slow or normal temperamentally, luck of the draw. However it did start this morning when chameleon clock wouldnt start up, it could be this software sodding this up as some software does strange things.

21st January 2005, 01:43
Sorry didn't read that part of your post about adaware.

Rebooting in safe mode:

As soon as you start your PC, hold down the CTRL key. Keep it held down until a appears. Use the arrow keys and select SAFE MODE from the menu and hit ENTER.

Safe Mode is a special way for Windows to load when there is a problem that interferes with the normal operation of Windows. It allows you to troubleshoot and try to determine what is causing your PC to function incorrectly.

Safe Mode doesn't run some of your system files, and also doesn't load up any device drivers. Programs you have selected to run at start up do not start either.

21st January 2005, 02:08
Please don't mention HIJACKTHIS!!!!

Go to START>RUN and type in MSCONFIG>OK>STARTUP and UNCHECK 'everything', then reboot.

Your system should run faster. Then do the same again, but go through the list and tick anything related to your firewall,AV,Chameleon, and anything else that looks familiar you may need. Then reboot.

If it's still faster, your sorted. If it hiccups again, you know it was one of them you just ticked, and you have to go through them all one by one.

21st January 2005, 03:51
Uncheck everything that starts up? What about criticla things that are needed?

21st January 2005, 04:32
Uncheck everything.

21st January 2005, 05:58
Critical system files are not listed, you have to edit the win.ini file, and others for that.