View Full Version : Not enough available system memory

17th January 2005, 19:35
Installed championship mananger 01.02 (better than the new ones imo) and getting the above messaged when trying to start a new game.

Tried it after rebooting with no other applications open with no joy.

Any ideas?

Athlon XP2400+
Windows XP SP1

17th January 2005, 19:47
I think you actually have too much RAM - 1Gb may be confusing the game, some older Windows games (and DOS for that matter) can't handle that much memory - might be worth having a nosey around the CM websites and faqs... if I have time I'll try and have a look later on. I run mine on my laptop - only 384Mb Ram and a 2GHz Intel P4. It may be the only way around it is to remove a memory module.... a bit drastic!

17th January 2005, 19:49
Just had another idea - try running it in Win 98 mode to see if that works - right click right click the icon and select properties>compatability and choose Win98/ME - just noticed that's how I'm running it myself - hope that helps :)

17th January 2005, 19:51
No joy I'm afraid BigC. I've definately been able to play on this pc in the past too.

Hmmm, I'm confuzzled as to what it could be :doh

Thanks for the assistance.

17th January 2005, 20:03
Sorry mate, I was right first time about the RAM thing - just checked the Eidos web site here


that confirmed what I first thought - you need to run it with 512Mb (or less)

17th January 2005, 20:07
Arrrrh bugger, I suppose Its lucky I have a T case that just clips open nicely :D Will try it later.

Thanks again.

18th January 2005, 03:33
Their is software for free that will fool the computer into thinking it is whatever amount of memory you want it to. Haven't a clue what it's called but a few searches on Google may bring it up.