View Full Version : Help....yet again!

21st January 2005, 21:42
I have major problems with my comp!

Have no idea what i have done but it was after i did a disk clean up.

Now i get this weird windows xp screen and a log on screen which i have never had before :anger

The problem then worsens that when i boot into safe mode there is no start button to get into system restore.

I have tried last known good config but that just sends me back tothe weird screen ::swear

Any guidance greatly appreciated :(

22nd January 2005, 13:50
I'm knackered but posted this so someone else might wake up.....:)

22nd January 2005, 16:21
I'm knackered but posted this so someone else might wake up.....:)

Please anybody....... :D

22nd January 2005, 17:28
In safe mode, try to set up a user with admin priviledges - you should then be able to get to the restore point.

Failing that, try simply using 'Administrator' as the username and leaving the password blank (and if you get in with this, change the password sooner rather than later!).

If you look in the Documents and Settings folder on the C Drive, you should be able to work out the names of all users on the PC.

22nd January 2005, 17:31
Don't know if this will be of any use Simon, but what did you use to do the disk cleanup? Many programs that do this have a way of undoing what they did in case of problems - just a thought....

22nd January 2005, 17:53
Don't know if this will be of any use Simon, but what did you use to do the disk cleanup? Many programs that do this have a way of undoing what they did in case of problems - just a thought....

HI both and thanks for replying......

I used the xp clean up in accessories...I think it was the last thing in the list that has done me but don't know why.

With regards to safe mode i can get into it but there is no start button in order to get to system restore ::swear

22nd January 2005, 18:08
If your talking about the XP Login window, then it is best that is their as you should password protect your computer, so that you have to enter it on each bootup, otherwise you leave it open for abuse.

You don't need to restore to switch it off though.

Also, when on that screen, press CTRL-ALT-DEL twice, and the Admin screen should appear, this should be passworded as well.

22nd January 2005, 18:13
If your talking about the XP Login window, then it is best that is their as you should password protect your computer, so that you have to enter it on each bootup, otherwise you leave it open for abuse.

You don't need to restore to switch it off though.

Also, when on that screen, press CTRL-ALT-DEL twice, and the Admin screen should appear, this should be passworded as well.

I understand that but i need to restore as i have nothing but a strange xpscreen in normal mode and it then keeps rebooting.....

22nd January 2005, 18:21
Go through these;

22nd January 2005, 20:10
Go through these;

Still noluck....... ;fire

23rd January 2005, 00:13
Might be a long shot but see if you can boot up normally. Then press Ctrl+Alt+Del to bring up the Task Manager. If it appears, click on the Application tab. If you scan the list you will probably find that you don't have an Explorer process running (this is the process that controls the look of XP and would explain why it's unable to load up your usual desktop, logon, taskbar, etc.) or else the process itself has become corrupted.
Next click on the New Task button. Enter "Explorer" without the quotes and click OK. Exit Task Manager and, fingers crossed, the new Explorer process will force XP into recreating all of the required files and linkages. If so, close down and do a cold reboot.
If you can't get the Task Manager to display or it doesn't recreate stuff in normal mode try it in Safe mode.

23rd January 2005, 00:33
With regards to safe mode i can get into it but there is no start button in order to get to system restore ::swear

Ah! Didn't see this but obviously you won't be able to run a system restore until, as Oldham says, you're able to create a new user with administrative privileges.

From the sounds of things my quick solution above may not work as I'm beginning to suspect from the symptoms you've described that your user account has been messed up. Microsoft has some good advice on this page:

It may well be that a driver has been "cleaned up" (AKA deleted) but I would try solution 2 first - Create New Account.

If you're unable to create a new account, then try option 1 - Perform a Clean Boot

Finally give option 3 a go - Perform an In-line Repair. Although this does its best to retain any existing programs and data on your PC there's no guarantee that it will do so but, once you've reached this stage, I suspect that that's the least of your concerns.

Before you start any of the options print out the above link and this one:

23rd January 2005, 06:36
If you have the XP disk that boots, you can always force a system fix.

23rd January 2005, 09:32
I know you say that there is no 'start' incon on your screen but did you try pressing the 'windows' key to see if the start menu poped up?

However the problems you mention sound more dificult than this stupid idea. :D

23rd January 2005, 10:29
I know you say that there is no 'start' incon on your screen but did you try pressing the 'windows' key to see if the start menu poped up?

However the problems you mention sound more dificult than this stupid idea. :D

Not stupid as i already tried this :D

Just about to move onto Glos. suggestions.......

23rd January 2005, 10:47
Not stupid as i already tried this :D

Just about to move onto Glos. suggestions.......

Well ive tried options 1 and 2 with no luck.....I can't get into manage on my computer as it is stating that a registry item is corrupt.

And the same goes for option clean boot..... :censored:

23rd January 2005, 12:05
You need to boot from the XP disk then, and run a 'fix' installation

23rd January 2005, 12:07
You need to boot from the XP disk then, and run a 'fix' installation

Hi Keith...yeah thought as much but can,t get my disc to boot ;fire

Will i lose everything if someone can tell me how to get the damm disc to boot :(

23rd January 2005, 12:50
Providing you're able to run a Windows repair installation, you shouldn't lose data although you will have to download all of the Windows updates again.

To get your disk to boot, you need to access the BIOS so that it reads the CD drive before the hard drive. If you're not sure what keys to press, it will say in your manual or you may get a message on screen.

This might help with the repair

23rd January 2005, 12:50
Erm - you may need to check your Bios settings to see if the Boot from CD is active.

;fire Glos beat me to it - but his post is better anyway :D

28th January 2005, 10:35
Sorry for the very late reply.... :D

I am now up and running and ended up having to totally re-install ::swear

Oh well....got a nice clean quick system now to look on the brightside :D

Just to say many thanks for all your help :wink

28th January 2005, 10:42
Glad to hear you got it sorted Simon, I had a horrible feeling you would have to go for the re-install...

29th January 2005, 13:13
Glad to hear you got it sorted Simon, I had a horrible feeling you would have to go for the re-install...

Me to :D

Cheers BigC

29th January 2005, 13:22
The longer it went on, the more it sounded like you'd need to do a complete reinstallation. I guessed you'd probably gone down this route as you'd disappeared from the forum for a few days!