View Full Version : Dreamweaver MX

1st February 2005, 21:14
I've been using MX for about a month now, and have got pretty used to it. I'll start fiddling with some of the options when I get time, but for now I have one small problem that's annoying.

To updat the daily members page, I copy'n'paste the whole monthly access page table containing the info into the table on the daily page, so they match, which they do......except some of the colours!! Things like the A+, Pro-losers, that I changed to RED, copy across OK, but turn to BLACK!!


2nd February 2005, 00:37
As you're only copying across part of a table, do you have another color tag higher up in your HTML code that's over-riding your red settings? Or maybe you're over-riding the color with a CSS file you've forgotten about? You might also want to check of Dreamweaver is defaulting to using Web-Safe colours. I would expect red to be safe but, if your shade of red is not set to FFOOOO, then DW might be substituting a different colour.

You didn't say if it's the cell colour or text colour that's affected and it's a bit difficult to tell without having sight of the code from here. Feel free to email me a sample and I'll check if:
a) I can spot the error
b) duplicate the error by uploading it to my server.

2nd February 2005, 10:37
You can just VIEW the code on the members page.

The code was written in IBM Websphere, and I had to change some to to get MX to use it correctly, so maybe the odd quirk still their. I may rewrite the pages when I have time, but I would have though copying a complete table to another page would have resulted in a duplicate copy, but it changes the colours, but only of the text I updated for the days update, the other text colours remain the same :doh

2nd February 2005, 16:25
You can just VIEW the code on the members page.
£35 to view a page? Send me a copy of yesterdays and I'm sure I'll be able to spot where your code is going wrong.

The code was written in IBM Websphere, and I had to change some to to get MX to use it correctly, so maybe the odd quirk still their. I may rewrite the pages when I have time, but I would have though copying a complete table to another page would have resulted in a duplicate copy, but it changes the colours, but only of the text I updated for the days update, the other text colours remain the same :doh

Do you use PHP on the page at all? It may be that you've some template VARIABLES assigned, e.g. STYLE = "color : red" but Dreamweaver is automatically converting them to lowercase, e.g. "style = color : red"
When you then upload the table, your PHP isn't able to convert the lowercase variable and so it just shows it as black.
If this is the problem it's easy to change DW's default behaviour in Edit, Preferences, Code Format, Default Attribute Case.

Otherwise I would still go for either a tag or css value on the page that's got precedence over the color value you're trying to assign to your text.