View Full Version : injuns

7th February 2005, 13:57
A Red Indian chief wanted to make his 3 wives feel special, so he sent
his bravest braves to search far and wide for some exotic animal hides
for his wives' bedding.

After many months of searching, the braves returned with three very
strange hides; a giraffe hide, a rhino hide and a hippopotamus hide.

The chief's wives were very pleased, and very grateful. In fact they
soon all fell pregnant, and in due course gave birth, each on the
special hide that the chief had provided.

The wife on the giraffe hide had twins, and the wife on the rhino hide
produced quadruplets. But the remaining wife produced SIX bouncing

The following year, they all became pregnant again. This time the
first wife had one child, the second had twins, but the third one
had triplets.

Thinking there must be an omen there somewhere, the chief decided to
consult his medicine man.

Nodding sagely, the medicine man told the chief not to worry because
everyone knows that ....

The squaw on the hippopotamus is always equal to the sum of the
squaws on the other two hides !!!

sorry couldn't resist posting it :D

7th February 2005, 14:07
Run Piggy, Run Piggy, RUN, RUN, RUN
Here comes the farmer with his GUN, GUN, GUN. :D