View Full Version : Potential Problem?

8th February 2005, 00:00
I tend to spend my evenings watching ATR and having a bet on the US racing. Problem being, I don't tend to do any research on this type of racing myself but instead tend to just go along with whatever the resident tipster tells me is a good thing. Needless to say this stupidity has cost me quite a lot of money ovet the past few months despite trying many various staking syatems, laying systems etc. Obviously if the tipsters selections don't show a level stakes profit for all my messing about I'm not going to come out on top.

After another miserable night tonight just basically chasing losses it struck me that perhaps this stupidity could actually more accurately be called the beginings of a problem. I tend to do OK when making my own selections on the UK racing but have just shot myself in the foot by doing this most evenings. Can't afford to persist like this, I think I just need to instill some discipline in myself cos at the moment I'm a self confessed mug :icon_tong which needless to say feels s**t! Has anyone else gone through a phase like this or can pass on any advise?

8th February 2005, 00:19
Sounds like a fun habit has turned into an addiction Bradders.....You certainly need to move away from this.........and the first step is to not watch ATR in the evenings - and dont bet on USA racing.......As you have found out if you rely solely on Tipsters or pundits you will ALWAYS lose long term - its their job to make you lose money.......But seriously they are paid to select a runner in every race......damn near impossible to show a profit long term......................

Needless to say you have been betting blind........I would suggest you give it up.......or if you must watch - try and WATCH WITHOUT BETTING - just paper trade for a while.......study some form.......and get to know the horses and tracks.......(Mark Wales and Oldham are US specialists, perhaps they may point you in the right direction in gaining some knowledge in this sphere )......BUT I WOULD QUIT IF I WERE YOU - unless your strong enough to paper trade..........

At loeast you have recognised this weakness and bravely admitted here.....and yes.....most of us have been where you are now...........you need to go through a period of time without betting...but in the meantime formulate a strategy...AND RAISE A BETTING ONLY BANK...

Got to go...........Sure some others will chip in with advice....Good Luck......

8th February 2005, 00:21
I certainly have mate. The first thing you need to do is log down every single bet you habe so you can see how much it is costing you, it can be quite an eye-opener. Pick your horses before you put the T.V. on and do not do any other horses. Other things you should consider doing is setting up a betting bank which you only stake 1% per horse on and recalculate that stake daily. What you want to do is reduce the damage the racing is doing to your finances whilst you get your gameplan together. I would advise maybe stop a while, but that is not easy to do so this is the next best thing. A bit like a smoker cutting down for 40 a day to 10 a day, whilst in the meanwhile seeking a longer term cure

8th February 2005, 00:32
The people on TV are journalists not pro-gamblers (sometimes they guest a pro, but we don't make you rich in a day). These people are paid to pick a selection in every race, and the pro-gambler guests are forced to when they are not having a bet themselves, just to make television.

In English these guys probably use a pin, and you may as well do the same.

You can always throw £35 at me, and, make some real money.

8th February 2005, 00:33
I been there, US racing on betfair, doesnt even do in running racing just have to wait the lottery result, soon packed that in, and it wasn thard to. Just stick to english where u can get loads of info from RP and do something just as addictive at night...no not cocaine and bints, altho that sounds tempting! I find on line gaming does the trick

8th February 2005, 00:42
Cheers lads, I've well and truely had my fill of going to bed feeling like S**t after handing over another wedge to betfair. Its a great feeling having winners on the horses but I don't know a worse feeling than flushing away a load of money you can't really afford to lose. I just have to draw a line somewhere and stop chasing whats already gone. Think I'll stick to paper trading for a while or just stop betting completely for a bit and get myself out of this horrible rut.

Maybe I won't have another bet till Cheltenham which would give me something to look forward to. Harchibald paid for the christmas presents something tells me he'll pay for the easter eggs. :rolleyes:

8th February 2005, 00:52
First time i found betfair i stuck £30 in and got it upto £170 in a few days, my best memory being Etlaala, wot a ride that was...AHEM, anyway, i went on to blow the lot then stuck more in chasing it, from that mishap it still owes me £180 odd i think. Had i found win2win rite at the point of profiting instead of 2 days after id done it all, who knows wot position id be in now. so er the morale is er dont do that :doh

8th February 2005, 01:02
Others here have given you wise advice.. mine is about Cheltenham which is a course I know well and I know the Festival well, proibably better than I know anything else about racing. I live near and I usually go.
1. Dont look to the Festival to get your losses back.. the racing is incredibly competitive and wonderful to watch but Cheltenham hs a habit of throwing up some odd results.
2. Don`t, in spite of what Keith may say, lump on Harchibald..class horse but the hill will find him out.
3. Quit the US racing. Unfortunately those on this forum who are experts don`t post very often and otherwise you might as well use a pin.
4. Don`t despair...take the emotion out of all this. You`ve lost money, wave it goodbye, stop chasing it, forget it,however hard that is. Now, a new start. Build up a betting bank, and then follow all the advice you can get on this forum... and start to ENJOY IT again. You sound like an alcoholic who is beating himself up for falling off the wagon and that`s the best way to having another drink to forget about it.. so stop wallowing in regrets and vow that tomorrow is the first day of your new betting life.
And good luck with that,

8th February 2005, 01:08
I hope that Hill dont find Harchibald out Susan, I have been building a cheltenham Warchest for a little while now and a lot of my powder is going on him.

You are dead right with all your advice Susan. The money has gone, no shame in that, and people forget that we should Enjoy ourselves with racing and gambling and if you can do that you have half a chance

8th February 2005, 01:17
Out of interest Susan if you think he's gonna tire up the hill who do you thinks gonna get by?

Also any interest financially I have on Cheltenham will be purely for fun. As you say I've kissed my money goodbye so if I was to consider reinvesting in betting at any stage properly it would be with a proper bank to a proper system that had showed long term profits. But for now I feel a break from betting is in order to get some money back in the coffers if for nothing else so I can start feeling better about myself.

10th February 2005, 01:14
what the soaps and the football in the evening or go pub or cinema with your mates

10th February 2005, 01:18
Out of interest Susan if you think he's gonna tire up the hill who do you thinks gonna get by?

Also any interest financially I have on Cheltenham will be purely for fun. As you say I've kissed my money goodbye so if I was to consider reinvesting in betting at any stage properly it would be with a proper bank to a proper system that had showed long term profits. But for now I feel a break from betting is in order to get some money back in the coffers if for nothing else so I can start feeling better about myself.

Look for the thread that I started entitled Champion hurdle....I'll tell ya who'll get by :wiggle:

10th February 2005, 01:22
I think I've got the whole thing sussed and am feeling a little better now. My problem was I was having lots of small bets on crap selections and slowly seeing my money ebb away. If I have a bet at all in future I have resolved it will be a proper bet on a calculated selecton or alternatively I'll play to a system with minimal daily selections that has shown profit over a period of time.

I've stopped watching US racing and feel much more relaxed in general with the stress every evening of chasing losses and losing more. Just need to save now and claw some money back which I've thrown down the toilet.

10th February 2005, 01:30
As is quite obvious I've only become interested in racing in the past 9 months so didn't see last years champion hurdle. Maybe if I'd seen Hardy Eustace looking very strong in winning up the hill I'd have some confidence in him. My problem with him would be everytime the main contenders have been in the same race this season Harchibald has come out on top so he seems the sensible choice. There again I've learned recently how often sensible choices get mullered!

10th February 2005, 01:38
I would like to suggest that you look at a race before the off and choose a winner with reasons. Then afeter the race try and work out what went wrong and why something else won. This should improve your ability to pick winning horses as you will learn what to look for. Also don't be afraid of picking more than one horse in a race.
Finnally keep notes to find out what type of races your good at and which ones you are not.

12th February 2005, 15:02
:wiggle: been there and done that bradders.people on here no i nearly lost my mrs and kids due to gambling,was off work due to accident and spent all mytime betting.now i spend about 30quid a week on it. i put half on vc poker and the rest on a placepot on a saturday.i cant have any more bets even if i wanted 2 as my mrs puts my bets on 4 me.suits us both now.any of my winnings go,s in the house and on the summer holiday.dont do what i did.enjoy the racing instead of doing it just 4 the sake of it. me the mrs an kids r fine now
regards bod1

12th February 2005, 15:05
bod1, just gacve you rep but it posted it before id finished typing :doh

12th February 2005, 15:11
Well done to both Bod and Bradders for getting it under control before it was too late :)

12th February 2005, 15:22
worky and u bigc regards 2 u both

12th February 2005, 16:00
if any 1 has a v.c.poker account i,ll be on monday nite if u fancy a game i play by the same name bod1 on there.

12th February 2005, 16:34
You now spend £30 a week? After membership that would leave u with £90 a month! Start with that and add the £90 every month and do thses systems. Eventually ul be rich and ya missus can blow loads on fun bets! :D

12th February 2005, 17:26
:wiggle: :D wiil stick 2 what i,m doing now boi.had lingfeild pot up 2day 2 quid straight an nb up 2 i.60. good returns for my 15 nicker methink

12th February 2005, 17:38
Your loss :rolleyes:

12th February 2005, 17:38
ho ho ho get in there u darlin 3 grand....... ta very much :wiggle: :wiggle: :wiggle: :wiggle: :wiggle: :wiggle: :wiggle: :wiggle: :wiggle: :wiggle: :wiggle: :wiggle: :wiggle: :wiggle: :wiggle: :wiggle: :wiggle:

12th February 2005, 17:40
kiss it boi

12th February 2005, 17:42
:butthead: :butthead: :butthead: :butthead: :butthead: :butthead: :butthead: :butthead: :butthead: :butthead: :butthead: :butthead: :butthead: :butthead: :butthead: :butthead: :butthead: :butthead: :butthead: :butthead: by the way doing kart wheels here

12th February 2005, 18:16
Turn that £3k into £3M then start the pro losers etc.. u wont be that lucky again for a long time!

12th February 2005, 19:33
Bod, that 3k could be very well invested, have yourself five figures by chrimbo :)

22nd February 2005, 10:39
Thanks to all for the advice given above, just to update any who maybe vaguely interested I've kicked the American Racing into touch, now have myself a betting bank which is slowly but surely seeing decent profits so far week on week. These are based on my own method selections usually to level stakes. I'm feeling a lot more at ease having a bet now and have got some confidence back in my own judgement having stopped making stupid bets to chase losses. I did take a boot in the knackers last week though losing my job, ;fire but as always happens when something starts going right somethings else f***s up. Ah well! Something will come up I'm sure. :mover