View Full Version : Excel query

13th February 2005, 17:03
Of late, when I drag a formula the spreadsheet is just copying the value yet in the cell it shows the formula. Any ideas whats wrong. Must be something obvious that I'm not seeing as in all my years of using Excel daily, doing allsorts with it, I've never had this problem. :doh

13th February 2005, 17:06
Check the cell formatting. It may be set to Text or something to try changing that as a starter.

I have seen this before I just remember exactly how I fixed it

13th February 2005, 17:12
You need to use $ signs to make absolute references or leave them out to ensure the reference is to consecutive cells

13th February 2005, 17:14
Sorry, misunderstood. Only scan-read and thought you said the cell was always displaying the formula not the value.

Listen to Oldham, not me :)

13th February 2005, 17:16
Formatted to "Number", no joy.

If I type the exact same formula over these cells, it works :doh

13th February 2005, 17:20
You need to use $ signs to make absolute references or leave them out to ensure the reference is to consecutive cells

This is consecutive Oldham. I'm truely confused here.

13th February 2005, 17:22
What's the formula Worky? What you trying to do?

13th February 2005, 17:23
Have you accidently pressed CTRL + ` at some point? That has the effect of switching between formula/value mode so try that key combination again to see if it reverts back to the standard formula view mode.

13th February 2005, 17:24

down to


This is simple drag the formula stuff that I do every day, no hiccups. Now, 2 of my spreadsheets dont want to work like they should :doh

13th February 2005, 17:32
Another thought. In Tools, Options, View do you have the formula box checked or not? Because you say the spreadsheets are now displaying formula's instead of values, I rather suspect that you do. If so, uncheck it and all should be fine.

13th February 2005, 17:35
I think what he means is that the formulas are not taking effect as he drags down the cell contents to row 16. The cells are showing the initial value of the initial cell, even though the formulas are behind each cell.

13th February 2005, 17:36
Another thought. In Tools, Options, View do you have the formula box checked or not? Because you say the spreadsheets are now displaying formula's instead of values, I rather suspect that you do. If so, uncheck it and all should be fine.

Its unchecked. The cells all show the value from the original cell but if you click on the cell, it shows the formula to be there. So the formulas are in the cells yet its displaying the value from the original cell. Very bizarre. :doh

13th February 2005, 17:41
Okay. This might solve it for you. Go to Tools, Options, Calculation and set it to Automatic.

13th February 2005, 17:42
Will try it later Glos, gotta get stuff ready for the racingsim chat at 5pm now, thanks for all your ideas, we'll get there eventually :)

13th February 2005, 17:45
No worries. I think that last one should do the trick.

14th February 2005, 13:55
It did do the trick. :D I'm still confused as to why it suddenly changed on me. Thanks again Glos.