View Full Version : What's a Zend optimizer?

16th February 2005, 21:21
It's preventing me from entering the poker forum whatever it is

16th February 2005, 21:25
The Zend Optimizer goes over the intermediate code generated by the standard Zend run-time compiler and optimizes it for faster execution. In addition, the Zend Optimizer enables PHP to load and execute files encoded by the Zend Encoder.

The above is what it is, but sorry I can't be of any more help! :(

16th February 2005, 21:27
:doh Ah...eh......

16th February 2005, 21:32
I think it optimizes PHP code so the page loads faster. But yours is preventing you from entering the forum so it must be corrupting somewhere.

Have you tried emptying temp internet files + cookies and doing a ctrl+alt+refresh?

16th February 2005, 21:38
:laugh actually my problem is that I haven't got the zend optimizer installed...naughty me....I didnt yesterday either though and It worked fine.

16th February 2005, 21:46
What you need is a Zen optimizer to help you achive that higher level of consciousness quicker.... :)

16th February 2005, 21:51
You could be on to something there...I'm suffering from a bit of a dose at the moment and it makes you think about how much we take our health for granted...i tell ya when I get out the other side Im gonna start a whole new "zen" thing..(REF: George from Seinfeld)

16th February 2005, 22:26
Is it just me or are some of the posts from about 3 hours ago missing?

There were definitely replies to BigC's post about Kylie's knickers

16th February 2005, 22:32
Kylie's Knickers :doh

Why has Big C got Kylie's Knickers??? :D

16th February 2005, 22:38
He bought them off Ebay :)

Shame the poker board is down. I wanted to ask Oldham what went wrong this evening. 4056/4284 in the Laddies freeroll. That's out in the first 5 minutes (probably).

16th February 2005, 22:41
where can I jump into a free roll tournament in the next half hour Mat?

16th February 2005, 22:42
Not sure you can, don't know of many 10pm starts. They are normally 3pm, 4pm and 7:30pm.

Hang on, let me have a quick surf round my usual haunts...

16th February 2005, 22:46
Just tried 8 poker rooms. Next available freeroll is 3am :yikes:

16th February 2005, 22:48
3 am

I'll be :snooze

Well, unless my wife has me :sex1 ,
because it is one of her fertile moments... :laugh

16th February 2005, 22:53
Which one of those two is you Veg?

16th February 2005, 22:53
:D ... I'm not telling!

16th February 2005, 23:09
Zend is server side, but not sure why the Poker forum has stopped while the Filipino one is working :doh, too late to sort it now, have to do it in the morning. I'll send a support request to my host, as I ain't got a clue how to use the zillion new options!!!!

16th February 2005, 23:24
He bought them off Ebay :)

Shame the poker board is down. I wanted to ask Oldham what went wrong this evening. 4056/4284 in the Laddies freeroll. That's out in the first 5 minutes (probably).

Typical freeroll!

My BB got JJ - family pot so I checked. Flop comes J47 and the small blind goes all in - 4 callers including myself and the SB (maybe there should be an 'o' in there) shows 56s - others are playing Ace-rag. Sure as eggs is eggs, next card out is a 3 and I'm off to win some money at the single tables! (Probably did me a favour - Won 5 from 6 tables and finished 2nd in the other!).

16th February 2005, 23:26
You seem to be catching all the bad cards in the freerolls.

Not played a freeoll for a while myself - making a few quid on the cash tables at Laddies instead. When the software stays up anyway!

16th February 2005, 23:33

Just got raised on the turn when I had trips Jacks with a board of QAxJ. J hits the river for my first ever quads :D I bet, get called by one, raised by another so I reraise. The caller drops out and the reraiser caps. I call and he had an A-high straight :)

He doesn't like me any more :D

17th February 2005, 13:15
What you need is a Zen optimizer to help you achive that higher level of consciousness quicker.... :)

Might have to contemplate on that for a while! :peek