View Full Version : Today I shall mainly be doing

19th February 2005, 19:37
Considering all those that are in the know,
how about myself and lesser mortals willing to learn putting up the main selections they will be betting on the day.
We all bet in various ways,singles,doubles,dutching,e/w,whatever.....one a day,none a day,as and when the system/s say/s.
All I think is fair is that you don't have to put up the why,it might be a pinsticker choice,but keep a running total.
Any type of bet allowed on whatever.
The bank is a grand,do with it as you will.
Time frame? up to you.
Only rule,selections must be made before the event.
Anyone up for it?

19th February 2005, 19:41
sounds a nice idea Hayzee - bung them in the fun bets section. That is all we ever ask, so people know they are fun. I know most people probably would know that but if someone visits the forum on a one off and saw them posted in The pro-bets sections with talk of banks of £1000 etc they might well think they are Pro's and follow them.
Also put in the totals something like a disclaimer stating "mythical bank" and call the title something like "hayzees fantasy punt" or soemthing like that - lots of gullable people out there and although some people find it tiresome it is part of our job to protect them. I have had people saying they are going to lump on fun bets of mine in the past after just a couples of days winnings :mover

Start the ball rolling mate, and lets see if you are as good at punting as you are at grinching :)

19th February 2005, 19:44
Strange TH,
I was thinking the same.

19th February 2005, 19:47
And I've single handedly managed to get
rid of youe redblobs hayzee :laugh

Any more of this kind of things
and you'll get a green one!!! :D

19th February 2005, 19:49
its just the time of the month veg - You just know that in three weeks time they could well be red again - unless Hayzee is going through the change of course? :)

19th February 2005, 20:02
you know what I like most about you......everything.
I guess it was a reasonable idea,but considering that there are those on here who pay for W2W slogging his nuts off,it would be unfair to anticipate their participation,I s'pose I wouldn't,just an idea.

19th February 2005, 20:40
I reckon it's a good idea as well Hayzee... any more like that and we'll be starting to worry that you're going all soft on us.... :yikes:

19th February 2005, 20:41
don't understand what you mean Hayzee. It don't matter if one person or 100 people join in. Many people plug away on their own projects on here and post them for enjoyment and discussion. Start up that project of yours for a bit of enjoyment and post it on here. If not one person views or replies to it, so what? You are enjoying it and you might be suprised at the response you get.

19th February 2005, 20:46
Remember the very important rule though.....??? :doh.....bugger....forgot it.....!!!

19th February 2005, 20:53
It's not about how many would respond(the guy that said it's not the winning but the taking part,obviously lost)but if we were putting up our best shot/s (who doesn't like the naps table at work?),those that would be playing who would be in the 'knowledge' would be hesistant to put up any privi info picks,so without a fair playing field it's really a non starter.
My mouth was working without the brain in gear(not unusual).

19th February 2005, 21:00
I think I know what you are saying but plenty of members on here also post their own selections. It is their own fanices not system bets. Many a time I do system bets I would not necessarily pick out myself. The two things are totally different.

19th February 2005, 21:03
Good idea hayzee, look foward to it :)

19th February 2005, 21:05
Ok TH,Worky,
I'll go with that,up it goes on the fun bets soon,watch this space(between the ears?).....

19th February 2005, 21:09
Ok mate, I will give it a whirl myself - I have neglected the enjoyment side of things we can derive from racing as well as the serious business. It will be a bit of light relief rather than the hand relief I usually end up doing in my spare time! (JOKE - i think/hope!) :)

19th February 2005, 21:11
Single man living alone, it werent no joke you banker. :)

19th February 2005, 21:12
many a true thing .....

19th February 2005, 21:52
Ok hayzee, I have had a think about this. How about people interested in this post on here so we can judge if it is a starter or not? If it aint a starter asa kind of league we can just post as individuals. Also post on here if you have any ideas how to implement it. Here is my ideas to begin with. After about a few days we shouild have an idea of how it will work and can post it in the fun bets section.

Everyone starts off with a bank of £1000.

They must have two bets a day at a minimum of £20 each. Maximum bet size is £100. They can do doubles, trebles singles whatever. It can be on any sport. For racing bets SP will be the the price used. Any other bets like football state the bookie you get the odds from and the price. Winner will be at the end of say June or whoevers bank busts last - I know which scenario is more likely! :)

You dont bet on any given day and you lose the minumum amount i.e. 2 x £20 = £40.00. You bust your bank and you are out of the game - a bit like real life!

What do you think?

19th February 2005, 22:09
Sounds good to me TH :)

19th February 2005, 22:23
So I wouldn't be allowed to include a 1.01 Lay that loses then? :doh

19th February 2005, 22:26
So I wouldn't be allowed to include a 1.01 Lay that loses then? :doh

No Keith, Laying luton to win the league one title is definatley not allowed :D

19th February 2005, 22:57
I don't bet everyday and I'd be mildly miffed if I lost 40 notes cos I didn't.
Each of us works in a different way,the competitive spirit is good,but mostly it's a personal thing between us and the book,rather than force a bet,perhaps it would be better to have a zilch time frame/last man standing approach(if they're players at all),or a monthly total(or two weeks for the ladies to account for pmt/erratic picks and just not up to it).

19th February 2005, 23:11
Yeah that is another idea to play this. The only reason i suggested it as a daily thing was to keep interest going so as it don't die a death. If it like a league thing people are more like to sustain interest. It comes back to what I originally said - There is no reason why someone can't do this an individual challenge and post it up. What I was trying to maybe set up was more daily fun thing so people join in. Maybe we could say you have to have five bets a week at least and a max of 20 bets? That would keep it ticking along?

19th February 2005, 23:13
What about a minimum number of bets for the month - say 20 or whatever number we can agree on - that way we rule out someone getting lucky with a huge multiple bet and then quitting while ahead?

20th February 2005, 00:42
Prozac is great.....:laugh:laugh:laugh

20th February 2005, 18:47
I don't have a problem with anyone getting a result and hanging on in there,quite often(and I'm talking about someone else of course!)when you have a multiple...........you think your lucks in........and go for more,like as if the luck fairy......is always with you.
Personally,I leave anything above a patent alone,but we all work in different ways,that would be the whole point of this,doing your own thing against the book,whilst having a frame of thirty days(Chuck Berry)(or 40 Ronnie Hawkins) and seeing what you could do and others,so it's competitive without being competitive,ish.
If it takes off,carry it forward,last man standing
The only prob is for those who play and lay large volume or dosh,a restriction of say 6 bets a day could be inhibitive/prohibitive,however for most of us that could be reasonable,especially if you don't bet each day.

20th February 2005, 18:49
My wife has multiples :doh Would they count....??

20th February 2005, 18:55
With all that culinary experience,I can't believe she's into a Heinz.

20th February 2005, 19:09
all 57 varieties I hear :yikes: