View Full Version : Toteplacepot

21st February 2005, 16:19
I had a bash at the Toteplacepot at Lingfield today

so far i have

1st leg Zaffeu 1st 5-1
2nd leg Ashes , Hiamovi 2nd 4-1 , 3rd 7-2
3rd leg Selma 1st 13-2

2 legs to go...

Do i have to get a place in both these 2 to win anything or do i get something for what ive got so far ?

This is what i have for the rest...
4th Leg Vicat Cole, River Gypsy, Danceinthevalley
5th Leg Welsh Wind, Rown Pursuit.

Anyone know the rules here on this one ?


21st February 2005, 16:30
Leg 4 Vicat Cole 2nd 33-1 :D

I had a bash at the Toteplacepot at Lingfield today

so far i have

1st leg Zaffeu 1st 5-1
2nd leg Ashes , Hiamovi 2nd 4-1 , 3rd 7-2
3rd leg Selma 1st 13-2

2 legs to go...

Do i have to get a place in both these 2 to win anything or do i get something for what ive got so far ?

This is what i have for the rest...
4th Leg Vicat Cole, River Gypsy, Danceinthevalley
5th Leg Welsh Wind, Rowan Pursuit.

Anyone know the rules here on this one ?


21st February 2005, 16:42
Right, now im getting nervous! :yikes:

21st February 2005, 16:43
I thought the placepot was the first 6 races.......if it's only 5, good luck in the last leg.

21st February 2005, 16:49
Youre right Mark, numbered the races wrong...doh

1st leg Zaffeu 1st 5-1
2nd leg Ashes , Hiamovi 2nd 4-1 , 3rd 7-2
3rd leg 3 was Mystic Lad 3rd 12-1
4th leg was Selma 1st 13-2
5th leg Vicat Cole 2nd 33-1 30p deduction for NR :censored:

6th Leg ?????

thanks Mark :)

21st February 2005, 16:59
Welsh QWind second

YEAH Jonny :D :D:D :D :D :D :D ::D :D :D :D :D :D

21st February 2005, 17:00
Get in! :wiggle:

Leg 6
Rowan Pursuit 1st 4-1
Welsh Wind 2nd 9-2

21st February 2005, 17:01
And Rowan Persuit 1st.... :laugh (of course)

21st February 2005, 17:03
And another 20p in the pound deduction LOL

21st February 2005, 17:05
Now you can tell all of us
how much it returns!!! :D

How much dya put on...
how much dya get back...

Just being nosey? :laugh

21st February 2005, 17:07
Now you can tell all of us
how much it returns!!! :D

How much dya put on...
how much dya get back...

Just being nosey? :laugh

Statement of Account: Current Monday 21st February 2005

21.2.2005 toteplacepot Alexander Sapph', Zaffeu... £14.40 £89.80

Cor, i thought it would be more than that LOL, its all those bloomin deductions for NRs LOL Still i aint complaining, for me thats a right result, the first time .... :D

21st February 2005, 17:10
£89-80... for correctly predicting 6 placed horses... one at 33's.

No wonder Keith and the more experienced members tell you to leave these bets alone. :splapme

As for the deductions, if the lazy :censored won't get in the stalls,
shoot the little... :D

21st February 2005, 17:18
£89-80... for correctly predicting 6 placed horses... one at 33's.

No wonder Keith and the more experienced members tell you to leave these bets alone. :splapme

As for the deductions, if the lazy :censored won't get in the stalls,
shoot the little... :D

Have to admit looking at the odds of the places it is a bit crap isnt it ? Dont know why i got so excited! Think i might retire from these gracefully :D

S/R 1/1
ROI% Bloomin loads
System closed

21st February 2005, 19:25
There are no deductions in the placepot if you back a horse that is a non-runner in the placepot your money goes on the unamed favourite.

Well done with the win :)

Seemed a decent dividend £224.50 per line (1 line = £1)

Here is how they work out the return:

Stake - £14.40 = 144 lines at 10p a line.
Dividend - £224.50 * 4 lines = £898 * 10p = £89.90
Profit = £89.90 - Stake £14.40 = £75.50

21st February 2005, 21:05
Cheers SP :)

21st February 2005, 21:17
Nice Jon :)

23rd February 2005, 16:15
Late manual adjustment posted to my account, an extra 72p :D

Broke my own rules and had another go today, 4 out of 4 so far today :yikes:

23rd February 2005, 16:47
Thats blown it, 50-1 winner and my pick Hiamovi withdrawn, great ;fire