View Full Version : Printing (fitting members info on page)

23rd February 2005, 13:05
Cant see where to resize printing so the members info fits on A4 width wise. Cant get the 4th colomn since the new layout was introduced. Any ideas please...

23rd February 2005, 13:08
Terms and Conditions

Thou shalt not print any material from the Win2Win site
as this is infringement of copyright. You will be sued
as soon as our lawyer is finished defending Michael Jackson :laugh

23rd February 2005, 13:10
Your always so damn serious Vegitation! :yikes:

23rd February 2005, 13:12
It's all the power I have been given,

It's gone to my head....

You are so damn confusing e55exboi,
your avatar changing every 5 minutes!!! :laugh

23rd February 2005, 13:17
Just copy the comlete info table to MS Word, or something, and resize it by reducing the text size. That's what I do with the RP HTML

23rd February 2005, 14:30
i just copy and paste to word, no problems at all